Home Learning

Home Learning
Due: 08.03.18
Please complete the next test in your maths SATs booklet (some of you may like to complete two, but please don’t complete any more than this). Don’t panic if your book is still at school I will extend the due date on this occasion!

Don’t forget to log on to TTRS and Reading Plus!

Our spelling focus this week has been the ‘ough’ letter string, so you could practise spelling these words.

ought, bought, thought, thoughtful, nought, brought, fought rough, roughest, tough, toughest, enough cough though, although, dough, doughy, through thorough, borough


Useful Websites

This list was handed out at Parents Evening last term.  Click on the links below and they should take you directly there.




Home Learning

Set: 23.02.18     Due: 28.02.18

Please complete 1 or 2 (no more) tests from the ‘SATs Buster’ booklet.  You can check your answers.


Please make sure that you read this weekend – this can be ‘Reading Plus’.



Home Learning Set: 12/01/18 Due: 17/01/18

The children have been given maths sheets to complete (fractions or addition).

Please see your child’s class teacher if these have been mislaid or if you have any further questions.

It is also important that your child is reading at least 4 times per week.  Reading Plus counts as reading, but we would encourage your child to read their reading book in addition to this.

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