Maths SATs Revision

Please encourage your children to have a look at this website to support with their maths SATs revision. They can choose the topic they wish to revise and have a go at past SATs questions. If they need help they can click on the youtube links provided!

Commonwealth Day

Yesterday a selection of Year Six pupils celebrated Commonwealth Day with the Mayor and other members of our local community. They read out poems relating to commonwealth and thought about what being a part of the Commonwealth meant to them. They behaved wonderfully and even the Mayor commented on both their behaviour and confidence when reading to an audience.
Fantastic Year Six!

Science Week 2017

Next week is British Science Week 2017! The Year 6 Staff are planning a range of exciting investigations for each day of the week! Keep a look out for the pictures on here!

Remember you have no spellings to learn this week. We would like you find out and produce either a poster or biography on a famous scientist of your choice!

Busters Book Club Ambassador

Do you enjoy reading?
Are you up for a challenge?
Could you encourage others to read?

We need Ambassadors who are keen to help encourage their classes to read and to remind them to have their bookmarks signed on a Wednesday evening.

If you are interested, simply design a poster for Busters Book Club. This needs to remind children to read every Wednesday and have their bookmark signed. On the back of your poster, please explain why you think you would be good at the role of Ambassador!

Please hand in your completed posters to the school office by Wednesday 1st February. If you have any questions – see Mrs Longman.

Mathletics is live!!!

This week we have launched our new maths home learning- Mathletics. The children had the opportunity to play live against other children in their class and in the World!
Please let us know how you child is getting on with this and if there are any problems!

Kingswood Information Evening

Thank you to all who were able to attend our information evening tonight. Attached below is a copy of the packing list handed out at the meeting tonight. Remember the children need to be collected from school on Monday 7th November at 12.30pm and be dropped to the Kingswood site in Ashford at 2.30pm. They will then need to be collected from Kingswood on Friday at 1.30pm. If you have any issues with picking up or collecting your child please let either the office or Year 6 team know so transport can be arranged for them.
Please do not hesitate to get in contact if you have any further questions!


Homework and a ‘Thank You’

A huge thank you to everyone who helped support us with our walk to the Nature Reserve this morning. It is greatly appreciated – without your help, the trip wouldn’t have gone ahead. The children really enjoyed the visit and we have returned with plenty of information to support our Science learning next week.

Homework for this week is to read their books and to complete a Reading Challenge. Don’t forget to learn times tables for the Challenge on Thursday. (Due Weds)

Have a good weekend! 🙂

Karate Success!

At the weekend Jack took part in a karate tournament and won two first place trophies and one third place! Congratulations Jack! we are all very proud of you!


Rowan Spelling and Maths homework books

I am really sorry I forgot to hand out your spelling and maths workbooks for you to do this weekend. Due to this I will extend Rowan home learning so it will be given in on Friday 30th next week! Please do still read at home and complete reading challenges!

Have a great weekend!

Miss Barrow