The House Captain Results are in…

It has been an exciting week for Year 6. On Wednesday, the whole school gathered into their houses, and listened to the children who had been selected as House Captain Nominees. Each nominee stood in front of their entire house and confidently gave a speech as to why they wanted the role of House Captain. The rest of the school then took a vote and the following Year 6 Children were nominated:

St Augustine-
Sophie, Zara

St George-
Casper, Aaliyah

St Peter-
Skye, Caleb

St Nicholas-
Joshua, Ruby

A huge well done to everyone who was involved, for being so confident to stand in front of so many children! They all worked so hard! Congratulations to our new House Captains!

Please find a link to this week’s homework.


And finally, a quick reminder regarding the Harvest Festival on Thursday 29th Sept – if you are able to support us with the walk, please let us know!

Have a great weekend! 🙂

What a great first week!

Welcome to our Year 6 blog!
We have had a busy yet amazing first week. All of the children have really risen to the challenge and expectations of Year 6 and are showing off their impeccable manners and behaviour to the rest of the school.
This week we began our new text ‘Floodland’ and thought about characters feelings by creating some freeze frames.
Please see our first newsletter below:

This weeks home learning is also in a link below:

We will be collecting in on Wednesday.