Star of the Week

Our Star of the Week was Brylie for always getting on and trying her best.

Blackfell Primary School - Star of the Week

Value Award: Perseverance

Alfie always demonstrates high levels of perseverance and was awarded the first certificate for the new value.


St. Barnabas Award:

Georgie was awarded our encourager because she sets a great example with her learning behaviours to all the other children.


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Neil is our Star Reader for really engaging with the Christmas reading challenge.


Elm also won the TTRS trophy.

Year 6 were awarded Nicholas Bear for their Epiphany church service.

A great start to the term!


In science, Year 6 are looking at Electricity. Last week, we had a recap on the vocabulary and knowledge that was learnt previously and this week the children created a circuit and then learnt how to draw these using appropriate scientific symbols.


Beyond the Lines – English

At the beginning of this term, Year 6 have been focusing their writing on the short film ‘Beyond the Lines’. In order for the children to get a sense of what it would have been like in the boats on the D-Day Landings, we completed some drama based on this scene.



The children made Christingles in preparation for the Christingle service at the end of term.

We learned that the orange represents the world; the red ribbon represents Jesus’ blood; the cocktail sticks represent the 4 seasons and points on the compass; the sweets and raisins represent the fruits of the spirit, and the candle represents Jesus as the light of the world.

St. Nicholas Day 2021

Year 6 enjoyed their visit to church to celebrate St. Nicholas Day on 6th December.  There we sang ‘When Santa Go Stuck Up the Chimney’ and learned more about the history of St. Nicholas.  A child Bishop was also selected.

Star of the Week

Zac has been working hard in all subject areas – well done!

Blackfell Primary School - Star of the Week

Value Award: Community

Joseph received our community award for being a good classroom buddy… as always!


St. Barnabas Award:

Sophie always supports and encourages her peers – well done!


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This week we congratulate Georgie for her fantastic reading; she reads regularly and challenges herself with what she reads. She perseveres through books too.


Star of the Week

Well done to Taylor.  Taylor’s writing is lovely and he really thinks about what he is writing.  He has also made great improvements to how he edits and improves his work too.

Blackfell Primary School - Star of the Week

Value Award: Community

Well done to Aaliyah for always being kind to others.


St. Barnabas Award:

Harry G was our encourager this week for always working well in groups and supporting others when necessary.


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Fraser has worked really hard on Reading Plus this week – well done!