Term 5

Hope you all had a lovely Easter break and enjoyed the lovely weather.

Our topic this term is ‘In the Garden’. We will be planting beans and learning how to care for plants. We will be reading Jack and the Beanstalk and The Three Little Pig and using these stories as part of our learning throughout the term.

Our Topic Map for Term 5

Term 4

Wow, what weather to start the Easter Term!

We hope you all had a great half term and made the most of the mini-heat wave.

We have been enjoying the sunshine and learning about our new topic since starting back on Monday.

Our topic this term is ‘Fantastic Food’. We will be learning about lots of different foods, making exciting menus and trying new exotic foods.

Here is our overview for this term…

Real-Life Superheroes

Over the last two weeks we have been learning about real-life Superheroes. We have had some amazing visits from a nurse, the police who work at the power station and the RNLI who brought the inland boat with them. These visits were followed by a visit to the fire station where we had an amazing afternoon looking at all of the equipment and layout of the fire station.

The children have been amazing at creating questions to ask all of our visitors and have learnt lots about the different roles that our local superheroes have and what they do.

Have a look at all the fantastic opportunities that we’ve had over the last couple of weeks.

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What are we doing this term?

Find out what we are focusing in all of the different areas in the EYFS curriculum this term on our topic web:

Year R Term 3 topic map

At home please practise blending and reading to help support your child.

We will be running a parent workshop for Reading on Wednesday 27th February and parents are welcome in to class every Friday morning from 8:35am to read with the children and chat to staff.

Spider-Man visited!

On Friday the children were very excited to receive a letter from Spider-Man.

They helped him order his numbers because he’d got them all muddled. Then they made him the many things he needed to continue to save people around the world.

The children used their amazing number knowledge to make belts that were the right size, watches that had the right numbers on, and many many other things they thought he might need.

We made sure that the cctv was switched on as he was due back at 5pm to collect all his things.


The Bear Hunt

Over the last few weeks we have been learning about the Bear Hunt.. watch the video from Michael Rosen here… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gyI6ykDwds

We have been on a bear hunt around the school, created our own bear hunt maps, made bear hunt activities in the classroom, made bear biscuits and adapted the bear hunt into the leaf hunt and explored our field too. Look at all the pictures of the fun we have been having!

The Bear Hunt with Squirrels:

Making bear cookies…

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Our leaf hunt on the field: