Celebrating the Festival of Diwali

This week we began by celebrating bonfire night, we created our own firework pictures and then practised jumping like fireworks outside!

Our week continued with the festival of light and Diwali celebrations. We learnt about the story of Rama and Sita, then made our very own Diva lamps.

Yesterday we created Rangoli patterns inside and outside.

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Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall…

Today we focused on the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty. We stuck Humpty back together with plasters, explored eggs, talked about the textures and experimented materials to protect the eggs when we rolled them down different slopes! Great fun was had by all, the children were fantastic in the dining hall too and we are really excited about our first full day tomorrow!

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Have a look at the fun we have been having on our first few days of school…

Our first week of school..

Welcome to Squirrels and Hedgehog classes 2018-2019. We are really excited to welcome our new children and families into school this week.

This week we are focusing on nursery rhymes and exploring our setting. The children have had the chance to be in their classrooms, outside and flow freely into the partner class too.

Monday was particularly exciting when we had the unexpected visitor of a frog into our outdoor setting. The children have created, coloured, built and sung. We have explored some of the different parts of our school, from the office to our reflection garden.

Thank you so much to all the parents for all your hard work to ensure that the children are ready and excited to start school, photos will shortly be available!


Balancability and Jack and the Beanstalk

It’s been a busy few weeks for us in Reception with the children taking part in Balancability and Fun Factory which took place on Tuesday of this week. Balancability will continue to take place on Friday mornings with the children learning lots of bike riding skills, they have had fun so far!!


Since we started Term 5, we have been looking at the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. The children have acted out the story (after we had embarrassed ourselves first by acting it out panto style, sorry no pictures) and been creating their own story maps to help them retell the story really well. Next week they will be writing the story themselves, we look forward to reading and seeing all the books they create.