Friday Reading Mornings

Thank you to the all the parents that came and joined us this morning to share a story with the children, it was a very successful first session and we look forward to you joining us again next week. The children all enjoyed having you join us and described it as a special time! Here are a few pictures to share with you


Read Write Inc meeting

Just a reminder that there is a Read Write Inc meeting on Tuesday 17th October at 2pm where you will have the opportunity to learn more about Read Write Inc and how the partnerships will support your child in their learning. The workshop will be run by a member of the Read Write Inc Team and Miss Common (Badgers teacher) and will build on the introductory sessions from the start of the school year.

Tea and coffee will be provided to those who attend. We look forward to seeing many of you there.

This weeks Golden Squirrels and Hedgehogs

Congratulations to Eva, Archie, Lola, Harry, Isla, Jamie and Lilly from Squirrels and Elliott, Mason, Ronnie and Freya from Hedgehogs for achieving their Golden Squirrels and Hedgehogs this week!


Congratulations to Eva, Archie, Lola, Harry, Isla, Jamie and Lilly from Squirrels and Elliott, Mason, Ronnie and Freya from Hedgehogs for achieving their Golden Squirrels and Hedgehogs this week!  

Golden Hedgehogs and Squirrels

Well done to Mia and Eric for achieving their Golden Hedgehogs  for self registration last week. These are awarded during Celebration Act of Worship on Fridays to children who have shown that they can form the letters of their name correctly. There are already more children on the way to getting their Golden Hedgehog or Squirrel this week.

Keep up the good work everyone.