Magic Beans

This week Mrs Pearce found some magic beans on her way to school. Miss Simmonds threw them out the door at the end of the day on Monday. Tuesday morning a beanstalk had grown over the slide and a castle had appeared.

The children made warning signs and drew pictures of the giant. We had a go at making our own giant castle using the wooden blocks outside. It was great fun !

Bike stunts and Superheroes

Wow what a day!

Today we had a visit from James who is a trial bike specialist. He told us that he had been learning his skills since he was 15. He has been the British Champion 4 times and the European Champion twice. He was amazing he could make his bike jump over people and objects.

When we got back to the classroom we found a letter from The Avengers asking us to complete two special missions. We had to make a superhero costume and train to be superheroes on our obstacle course outside. We had a great day.


Easter Church service

Today we visited the church for our Easter service. The children all behaved so well. We sang the song “Spring Chicken”.


We’re starting our summer reading challenge. For your child to get a raffle ticket they need to have read 5 times in a week. Please could you mark this in their normal reading record and on their Summer Reading Challenge record as well. Each raffle ticket they get will be entered into a draw at the end of term. There are two Kindles to be won so the more raffle tickets they have the more chances there are to win. Good Luck!

Science week

This week we have taken part in science week. On Monday we worked with Year 1 and 2. We investigated wind direction by blowing bubbles and timing how long they took to burst, how far they travelled and which direction they travelled in. It was great fun


We have also investigated making slime from corn flour and water. When we tried to pick it up it ran through our fingers and when we pressed it hard it went solid. On Wednesday, in the warm sunshine, we watched it turn back into a powder


Farm to Fork

Today we had a visit.  Catherine from Tesco brought in some different fruits for us to try.

They tried, mango, pineapple, orange, avocado and passion fruit.

Both classes said the mango was their favourite.

Catherine also gave the children goodie bags, stickers and  take home with them.

We really enjoyed our morning

Welcome back

Hopefully everyone is now recovered from the sickness bug!

Next week we will be making and eating gingerbread men and pancakes, as part of our food topic.

Please let a  member of staff know if  you do not want your child to eat their gingerbread man, or pancake in school.

Gluten free options will be available.


Please remember to read with your child every day.

Busters Book Club

A big thank you and well done to all the children who had their names on the Superhero reading board this week. I have seen a massive improvement over the last two weeks. Remember you only need to read for 10 mins a day to get your name on that board. Let’s see if we can get more names next week. Please keep it up!
Busters Book Club Ambassador
Do you enjoy reading?
Are you up for a challenge?
Could you encourage others to read?
We need Ambassadors who are keen to help encourage their classes to read and to remind them to have their bookmarks signed on a Wednesday evening.
If you are interested, simply design a poster for Busters Book Club. This needs to remind children to read every Wednesday and have their bookmark signed. On the back of your poster, please explain why you think you would be good at the role of Ambassador!
Please hand in your completed posters to the school office by Wednesday 1st February. If you have any questions – see Mrs Longman.

Fun Factory!!!

Today the children took part in the Fun factory. This was activities set up to encourage the children to move in different ways. They took part in races running. jumping and balancing with different pieces of equipment. They also played games where they practised their throwing and catching skills. It was great fun!