
On Thursday the reception children all took part in balance ability

They were provided with balance bikes and asked to complete different activities. They had great fun

On Friday 20th the reception children will be taking part in the Fun Factory- a set of multi-skills games. Please could they have a pair of plimsoles in school for this exciting activity.

Many Thanks

Happy New Year.

It has been lovely to welcome your children back to school after the holiday.

Please could you make sure that while we are in this ‘cold snap’ that you send your child to school with hats, gloves etc.

Also could I ask you to read with your child every day. We are only asking for 10 minutes but it will really make a difference to your child’s learning and development. It will also make a difference to our Buster’s Book Club percentages. Reception have not been doing very well compared to other year groups across the school.

Many Thanks

This week we have been learning the sounds s. a, t and p during our Letters and Sounds sessions. We have included the Jolly phonics songs which accompany these sounds for you to use at home.
The dates for the Stay and Learn sessions are as follows- Tues 8th, Tues 15th and Tues 22nd. Please feel free to come along and join in with a phonics session from 8.50-9.15
You will need to sign in at the school office before the session starts.

On Wed 9th Nov we will be visiting the Environmental centre and need parents to help us walk the children to and from school. We will be leaving school promptly at 1 p.m. and will return to school in time for the end of the day. If you are able to help please complete the Parent mail slip and return to school asap. If we don’t get enough helpers we will have to cancel the trip.

On Wed 19th Oct at 2.15 I will be holding an information meeting for parents on how we teach phonics in Reception and year 1. This meeting will also include information regarding the year1 phonics screening test.
I look forward to seeing you there.

Mrs Pearce EYFS and KS1 lead

dsc00075dsc00078img_0111img_0116This week we have been counting objects.

Next Thursday we are going to the Church for our Harvest service. If you are able to help walk with the children please let a member of the Receptions staff know. We will be making bread rolls to take with us.

On Friday 30th. We are holding a Macmillan Coffee morning in the Training room. Please come along and support this worthwhile cause.