Famous artist influences Viking pictures
Picasso came to Year 3, in the form of a Viking picture, created in the artists cubist style.
School Council Fundraising
School council have been busy organising fundraising activities this term. The fun started in March with Comic Relief. School council arranged a crazy hair day and come to school in red themed day. Several members of the school council came into school early and collected donations as the children and parents walked through the gates in the morning. They raised a tremendous £440.
After discussing fundraising activities and charities with their classes, the members of the school council agreed that they would raise money for the Salvation Army and Oxfam. Each class collected 10p’s for a coin race on the last day of term – Oak class collected the most. Well done. At the same time, we organised an enormous Easter egg raffle with all prizes donated by members of staff. Amidst much excitement, there was a raffle draw on the last day of term with over 50 prizes! With these efforts an impressive £550 was raised.
Welcome to Year 4
Welcome to Term 5
Term 5 Topic Web Click on the link to see our curriculum map for Term 5.
Homework Term 5 Click on the link to see this term’s homework.
Look below for photos of our Egyptian Day.
Here is the homework for this term.
This is due in the week after the Spring break.
Home Learning
1) Please complete the next activity in your Maths booklet.
2) Topic – This week, we will be looking at rationing during WW2 – please keep a diary of the food you eat during one whole day.
3) Reading Plus and TTRS
(No spellings this week due to Assessment Week)
Due in Weds 13th Feb.
Curriculum letter and homework.
The attached shows the areas of study in subjects for Term 2 in Year 4.
Homework can be found on ClassDojo or by clicking on the link below.
Tudor Roses
Welcome to Year 4
All the children are now settling well into their 4th week of Year 4. It’s great to see attitudes to learning are high and this is also seen with their enthusiasm to complete tasks at home.
Home learning this year will take the form of internet based activities on Reading Plus and Times Table Rockstars. It is essential that the children complete these daily. They are both fantastic programs which really boost reading and times table knowledge.
Please speak to your child’s teacher if you have questions about how to log in to these programs.
There are also optional mini projects for the children to complete. Click on the link to view these.
Well done to both children who have been awarded star of the week.
Birch – Rudy
Beech – Eva
Royal Wedding Lunch
Today all the children looked amazing dressed either as princes and princesses or in red, white and blue. They all had a great time at lunch eating with the rest of the school.
Thank you!
This week we had a visit from Mrs Knight, a Community First Aid Responder. The children all had the opportunity to look at and learn about the items that were brought along. Thank you so much for taking the time to come in and talk to us!