Week 4

Mathletics competition 

How many points can you collect this week?

You can earn points for completing activities linked to your learning in class or by playing against ‘the world’. Good luck.


Week 2

We can’t believe it’s only two weeks into term. Thank you so much for all your kind donations towards the home-clothes day, raising money for the Year 5 project on our playgrounds!

This week:

In maths we have been learning about the inverse, making the links between addition and subtraction. We are as always using our manipulatives to help us for example:

In English we have been learning how to ask questions, we have linked this to our work on the Jolly Postman. The children wrote questions that they’d like to ask the Jolly Postman, and on Friday they wrote postcards, like the one that Jack wrote to the Giant in the story.

In topic/science we have looked at the houses linked to the Jolly Postman and thought about the different materials that they were made from. Next week we will be looking into materials more closely!

The children loved the firework pictures they completed on the laptops  – they will be on display outside our classrooms, so keep an eye out for them when you are next in school. Here is one example from each class:

Next week we are going to have some visits from parents to talk to us about their jobs, this links to the children’s topic ‘A Day in the Life’ we can’t wait to find out about some of the jobs, and if you feel you can come in and talk to the children about what you do please contact Miss Common (scommon@st-nicholas-newromney.kent.sch.uk) – the more the merrier.

Don’t forget that Tuesday is -odd socks day as part of anti-bullying week, and on Friday we will be wearing our own clothes to raise money for Children in Need.

Have a great weekend 🙂

Miss Reynolds and Miss Common

Week 4

Week 4 – Monday 29th January 2018

Homework Due Thursday 1st February.

2 x 20 minute sessions on Reading Plus 

1 x 20 minute session on Times Table Rock-stars.

Thank you to everyone who has successfully managed to log onto Reading Plus at home.  

A letter was sent home last week with details of how to log on, along with your child’s username and password. Please let me know if you are having any problems. This is a great resource, which will really help your child’s fluency and comprehension.

It is expected that your child will access Reading Plus at least twice weekly.

Welldone to Maple class who won the battle of the bands on Times Table Rockstars.

This week Roxy P was awarded the title of the quickest responder!!  Who will be next to achieve recognition of their hardwork?

Maple Awards

Well-done to Frankie S for being awarded Star of the Week and to Tommy A and Frankie S for showing ‘Perseverance’ and being nominated for our ‘Class Value Award.

Willow Awards

Week 4 – Monday 20th November

Road Safety Week

To help keep you safer on the roads all children will have the chance this term to take a ‘Road safety skill tests’.  Children will have the opportunity to take the test at bronze, silver or gold.  

More information about this will follow shortly, but in the meantime why not brush up on road safety awareness by reading Tales of the Road .


Mathletics competition

How many points can you collect this week? You can earn points for completing activities linked to your learning in class (Place value, the 4 operations and fractions) or by playing against ‘the  world’. Good luck.

 Homework – Week 3 Homework

thumbnail of Homework _wk3

Due Wednesday 22nd November

Week 3

Please can you collect newspapers from home and bring them into school. We need a variety of newspapers and magazines for an art project as our topic this term is ‘Making The News’.

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 5 team.

Week Two

Faye Walters – Chestnut


Thank you for your support for the non-uniform day today.  An update of the amount raised will follow soon.


Tuesday – Odd sock day

Friday – Non-school uniform for Children in Need


Alliteration worksheet has been given to the children.

Fire safety

We were really lucky to have Kent Fire and Rescue Service visit the school at the beginning of term.

The children learnt about the role of a fire fighter, we saw what protective clothing they have to wear and how they keep safe.

We also learnt some rhymes to help keep us safe…

Matches, lighters

never touch

They can hurt you

very much

We also learnt that every week we should check our smoke detectors, so that when we are sleeping they can be our eyes and our noses and detect fire for us!

Keep your family safe from harm

Have a working smoke alarm