Cross Country Success!

A massive congratulations to everyone in Year 5 that took part in the Cross Country Competition at Dymchurch Primary School last week. All children had to run a distance of 1600m and showed great determination and perseverance. Unfortunately we just missed out on getting a medal. Well done again, you should all be proud of yourselves 🙂




Thanks for your continued support.

Year 5 Team.

End of Term Celebrations

We can’t believe that next week is the last of this term!

To celebrate our topic this term we are going to have an Ugly Bug Ball.

A ParentMail message went out last week asking for old plain t-shirts. We are going to make costumes and food, and dance like insects on Friday. Please make sure that the T-shirt is old as we will be decorating it!!

If you have balloons or anything else that could decorate our classrooms we’d really appreciate it  – Thank you!!

Mathletics Champions this week…

This week we have begun our online-maths activities.

Your teachers will set you tasks to do at home on a tablet or computer. You can ask your parents / siblings for help if you need it.

After you have completed the tasks set you’re able to log on and compete through ‘live mathletics’ with other pupils from around the world. It is one of the best ways at learning number bonds and improving the speed at which you can recall facts.

The king of Mathletics for this week is: Harry Clements (Badgers Class)

The queen of Mathletics for this week is: Milli-Grace Spencer-Rogers (Otters  Class)

Well done 🙂

RWI parents meeting KS1 / EYFS

Just a reminder that there is a Read Write Inc meeting on Tuesday 17th October at 2pm where you will have the opportunity to learn more about Read Write Inc and how the partnerships will support your child in their learning. The workshop will be run by a member of the Read Write Inc Team and Miss Common (Badgers teacher) and will build on the introductory sessions from the start of the school year.

Tea and coffee will be provided to those who attend. We look forward to seeing many of you there.

Read Write Inc meeting

Just a reminder that there is a Read Write Inc meeting on Tuesday 17th October at 2pm where you will have the opportunity to learn more about Read Write Inc and how the partnerships will support your child in their learning. The workshop will be run by a member of the Read Write Inc Team and Miss Common (Badgers teacher) and will build on the introductory sessions from the start of the school year.

Tea and coffee will be provided to those who attend. We look forward to seeing many of you there.

This weeks Golden Squirrels and Hedgehogs

Congratulations to Eva, Archie, Lola, Harry, Isla, Jamie and Lilly from Squirrels and Elliott, Mason, Ronnie and Freya from Hedgehogs for achieving their Golden Squirrels and Hedgehogs this week!


Congratulations to Eva, Archie, Lola, Harry, Isla, Jamie and Lilly from Squirrels and Elliott, Mason, Ronnie and Freya from Hedgehogs for achieving their Golden Squirrels and Hedgehogs this week!  

Mathletics is now live!

Mathletics should now be up and running again.

Pupil logins have been stuck in your child’s homework diary on the back page.

This is a great resource to support your child at home.

You can access Mathletics on a computer, laptop and a tablet.

Each week we will be adding new tasks and we will be checking to see who our Mathletics champions of Year 5 are!

If you have any issues or questions please speak to your class teacher.

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 5 team.