Fire Service Visit

We were really lucky to have Kent Fire and Rescue Service visit us on Tuesday.

The children learnt about the role of a fire fighter, we saw what protective clothing they have to wear and how they keep safe.

We also learnt some rhymes to help keep us safe…

Matches, lighters

never touch

They can hurt you

very much

We also learnt that every week we should check our smoke detectors, so that when we are sleeping they can be our eyes and our noses and detect fire for us!

Keep your family safe from harm

Have a working smoke alarm

Both classes then tested materials as part of our science topic this term to find out which material would be the best for a fireman’s hose!

Days of the week

We have been learning the days of the week as part of our Mental Maths lessons this week.

Can you remember the song and use it to help you remember which day comes next?

Have fun with this game too….​

Remember to log on and play the games set on Mathletics 🙂

Happy Half Term

We hope you are having a lovely half term!

Just a quick reminder that homework is due on Wednesday 3rd November.

Image result for homework

Also all of year 3 has been allocated mathletics homework and we are encouraging everyone to use the new mathletics layout.

Image result for mathletics

We are excited for our new topics titled ‘Chocolate’ this term!  Expect many chocolaty facts and exciting lessons.

Image result for ipc chocolate topic

See you all on Monday,

The Year 3 Team.

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Ugly Bug Ball

Well.. What a way to end the term!

We had a great last day, the children decorated their t-shirts, made some bug foods and we then spent the afternoon enjoying all our hard work from the morning 🙂

We had a surprise visit from our very own hungry caterpillar who came to check that we had remembered all the sounds we had learnt this term. The children had bubbles to enjoy the sunshine outside and then we practised our butterfly dancing (amongst other insects) with Miss Durham.

Thank you to all the parents who supported us by bringing in t-shirts.

Have a great Half term break.

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End of Term 1

We have reached the end of the first Term.  It has been a busy term.

The children have completed their tie dye t-shirts yesterday and today.  The results will be posted after the break when they have all dried.

Watch this space!

Piper Carden – Chestnut

Have a great week off and stay safe.

Year 4 Are Live!

After some technical difficulties, Chestnut and Birch class are live!

Apologies for the delay in posting and thank you for your patience.

Year 4 have had a great term.  There has been plenty happening with Talk for Writing in English, a new approach to our Maths lesson and a wide variety of sports.

The stars this term have been;

Morgan Banyard – Birch

Bronwyn Malaney – Birch

Rhys Lyon – Birch

Daniel Sullivan – Birch

Tallis Shrimpton – Chestnut

Molly-Anne – Chestnut

Chloe Haythorne – Chestnut

Well done to these children!

Children have been given Mathletics Logins.  This is a great online resource for Maths.

Dance Tempo


Chestnut Class really enjoyed the Dance Tempo session today.  Even Mrs. Whitehead got involved!  Luckily there were no photos to prove this!!!!


Cross Country Success!

A massive congratulations to everyone in Year 5 that took part in the Cross Country Competition at Dymchurch Primary School last week. All children had to run a distance of 1600m and showed great determination and perseverance. Unfortunately we just missed out on getting a medal. Well done again, you should all be proud of yourselves 🙂




Thanks for your continued support.

Year 5 Team.