First Day of Year 5

What a brilliant first day back! The children were fabulous!

This week, we are focusing our learning around a book called The Dot. We wrote letters to people who have encouraged us, thought about our school vision and St Barnabas, wrote about our aspirations for the year and contributed to some collaborative art that the whole school are involved in.

Term 1 KIRFs

Please find below a link to our term 1 KIRFs.

These are the key instant recall facts which the children will be practicing in school this term. Please speak to your child about these and practice them lots so that they feel really confident!


Y5 KIRFs Term 1

Term 1 Week 7

Wow! What a fantastic first term we have had in Year 5! We have done so much learning and been so proud of how Year 5 have persevered even when things were tricky.

This week we were able to celebrate:

Our Star of the Week-  Elliott (Willow Class)

Our Reader of the Week-  Artem (Maple Class)

Our St Barnabas the Encourager award winner – Harley P (Maple Class)

Our Ambition value award winners – Robbie (Willow Class)

Mr Hooper (Willow Class) and Miss Welsh (Maple Class)

Sports Day

Year 3 had a great time at sports day this afternoon.  Everyone took part in at least one race with most children taking on 2 or 3 challenges!  Here are some photos of our afternoon.

Award winners: Term 5 Week 1!

This week we have enjoyed hearing all about the Easter holidays and started to learn all about smuggling!

We celebrate:

Our Star of the Week- Oscar (Maple Class) 🎉

Our Reader of the Week-  Lily P (Willow Class) 🎉

Our St Barnabas the Encourager award winner-  Ella  (Maple Class) 🎉

Our respect value award winner-  Lily P (Willow Class) 🎉

Well done everyone on a fantastic week living out our School Vision, we can’t wait to see what you can do next week!

Mr Hooper (Willow Class) and Miss Welsh (Maple Class)