Term 6 Overview

So this is it, the final term of the year and we cannot wait to see you back!  We have an exciting term to look forward to as we learn, play and continue to create great memories in our time together.

We are continuing with our theme about the Romans and we will see this particularly as part of our English non-fiction learning, building on what we have learned so far. Although we have moved on from plants, we will continue to look after our vegetable beds and plats, but our science focus will move on to ‘Light’, learning how it helps us, reflections, shadows and some fun investigations along the way.  In RE, we will be returning to dive deeper into the Sikh faith and look out how Sikh people worship and celebrate.  We will continue to focus on reading, with all children reading to an adult every day (please also continue to read at home everyday for 10 minutes) in addition to whole class reading and small group guided reading sessions.  In maths, our focus returns to fractions to refresh our lockdown learning and build on this.  We will also be looking at time and shape.  We are looking forward to sharing our adventures with you on our ClassDojo pages.

Term 6 Overview – Romans (PDF)

The Year 3 Team
Chestnut – Mr Houghton & Mrs Gunn
Rowan – Miss Ryan & Miss Banks

Term 5 – Maths ‘Key Instant Recall Facts’ – I can tell the time

This term in maths we will be continuing our focus on Key Instant Recall Facts.

Year 3’s focus for term 5 is: ‘I can tell the time′.

Year 3 Key Instant Recall Facts – Term 5 (PDF)Y3 KIRFS (Term 5)

To complement the children’s learning at school, please could you help them at home as the key to these facts becoming embedded in the children’s memory is to practise little and often.

If you have any questions, please contact your class teacher via ClassDojo.

Many thanks

The Year 3 Team

Term 5 Overview

Welcome back everyone! We are looking forward to an exciting term learning, playing and creating memories together.

We will be looking at the Romans this term, how they impacted Britain and their legacy.  Our science focus is ‘Plants’ and we are looking forward to carrying out various experiments and getting outside to work on the freshly restored vegetable beds (thank you Mrs Gunn!). In RE, we will be looking at what happened after Easter when Jesus spent time with His disciples before ascending to heaven and sending them the gift of the Holy Spirit. We will continue to focus on reading, with all children reading to an adult every day (please also continue to read at home a minimum of 4 times a week for 10 minutes) in addition to whole class reading and small group guided reading sessions.  In maths, our focus is money as we recap place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division.  We are looking forward to sharing our adventures with you on our ClassDojo pages.

Term 5 Overview - Romans

Term 5 Overview – Romans (PDF)

The Year 3 Team
Chestnut – Mr Houghton & Mrs Gunn
Rowan – Miss Ryan & Miss Cox

Term 4 – Maths ‘Key Instant Recall Facts’ – 8x table

This term in maths we will be continuing our focus on Key Instant Recall Facts.

Year 3’s focus for term 4 is: ‘I know the multiplication and division facts for the 8 times table′.

Year 3 Key Instant Recall Facts - Term 4Year 3 Key Instant Recall Facts – Term 4 (PDF)

To complement the children’s learning at school, please could you help them at home as the key to these facts becoming embedded in the children’s memory is to practise little and often.

If you have any questions, please contact your class teacher via ClassDojo.

Many thanks

The Year 3 Team

Term 4 Overview

After starting the term with home learning, it is so good to have all the children back in school to learn together, play together and create lasting memories together – a huge ‘Welcome back everyone!’

This term our theme is Anglo-Saxons and Vikings with activities across many subjects, including English, reading and art. Below you can find an overview of the term – there’s also a PDF download available.  As we build up to Easter, our class worship is focused around Jesus’ teaching.  In addition, we are also studying Christianity in our RE and asking the big question ‘Why do Christians call the day Jesus died Good Friday?’  We look forward to sharing our learning with you on our ClassDojo pages.

Term 4 Overview - Anglo-Saxons and Vikings


Term 4 Overview – Anglo-Saxons and Vikings (PDF)

The Year 3 Team
Chestnut – Mr Houghton & Mrs Gunn
Rowan – Miss Ryan & Miss Cox

Home Learning w/c 1st March 2021

Hello everyone and welcome to our final home learning pack before we return to school next Monday, 8th March.  We are so excited to see you all again back in school next week, we have missed you all so much.  Until then, here’s our home learning pack for this week. It’s full of all the usual learning activities and will be supported by daily videos uploaded on ClassDojo, so keep an eye out for them.  Please do join in with all the activities as for many of the subjects, this is what we are looking at this term and we don’t want anyone to miss out on this learning opportunity.

Year 3 Home Learning Activities w/c 1st March 2021 (PDF)

We will continue to mark and feedback on your learning in your ClassDojo portfolio throughout the week.

Please keep yourselves safe.  We look forward to seeing what you’ve been up to with your learning.

Take care everyone.   Mr Houghton, Miss Ryan, Miss Cox, Mrs Gunn and Mrs Vidler

Home Learning w/c 22nd February 2021

Welcome back everyone! We hope you had a lovely half-term break.  We are looking forward to this term’s new learning and hope you are too.  Hopefully we will be able to meet together at school again very soon (we will have to wait and see what Boris says on Monday), but in the meantime here’s your first home learning pack of term 4.  It’s full of all the usual learning activities and will be supported by daily videos uploaded on ClassDojo, so keep an eye out for them.

Home Learning Activities w/c 22nd February 2021 (PDF)

We will continue to mark and feedback on your learning in your ClassDojo portfolio throughout the week.

Please keep yourselves safe.  We look forward to seeing what you’ve been up to with your learning.

Take care everyone.   Mr Houghton, Miss Ryan, Miss Cox, Mrs Gunn and Mrs Vidler

Home Learning w/c 8th February 2021

It’s the final week of term 3 already and time for one final pack before half-term 😀 Welcome to week 6 of home learning!  The link below will take you to a downloadable PDF copy of this week’s home learning pack which includes daily maths, English and reading learning activities along with weekly lessons for science, topic, music, RE, computing, French & PE.  The maths, English and reading daily learning is supported by videos released daily on your class’s ClassDojo page, so keep an eye out for them.

Home Learning Activities w/c 8th February 2021 (PDF)Home Learning Activities w/c 8th February 2021 (PDF)

Alongside all the usual learning this week, we also have our Family Challenge Day on Wednesday 10th February.  The aim of the day is for the whole family to work together on different challenges all based around the theme of journeys.  The first challenge is to try and do this without any phones (only old fashioned ones to make phone calls!), tablets, computers, laptops or televisions! More details will be posted on ClassDojo tomorrow along with the pack you will need for Wednesday.  By completing challenges, you will earn raffle tickets for a special class book draw – the more challenges you complete, the more entries you will earn yourself!

Your teachers will continue to mark and feedback on your learning in your ClassDojo portfolio throughout the week.  For the Family Challenge Day on Wednesday, there is one exception for using your technology and that is for taking photographs!  Please send in photos of your completed challenges or you having fun whilst doing them.  Watch out too for your daily puzzles and story time on ClassDojo

Please keep yourselves safe.  We look forward to seeing what you’ve been up to with your learning.

Take care everyone.   Mr Houghton, Miss Ryan, Miss Cox, Mrs Gunn and Mrs Vidler

Home Learning w/c 1st February 2021

Hello Year 3!  It’s a new week, a new month and it’s time for a new pack – welcome to week 5 of home learning!  The link below will enable you to download a PDF copy of this week’s home learning pack which includes daily maths, English and reading learning activities along with weekly lessons for science, topic, music, RE, computing, French & PE.  The maths, English and reading daily learning is supported by videos released each day on ClassDojo, so keep an eye out for them.

Home Learning Activities wc 1st February 2021 (PDF)Home Learning Activities wc 1st February 2021

This week in maths we start a new topic, fractions; in English we are finishing our story and starting to look at recounts along with verb tenses; in topic, your task is to design a national park or game reserve in Kenya (what will you include in yours?); in science, we will be looking at why magnets attract and repel; in our RE we are looking at creating Kenning poems to describe the Trinity.  We also have music, French, computing, handwriting, reading comprehension and PE available for you too.

Mr Houghton, Miss Cox and Mrs Vidler will be in school looking after the year 3 keyworker children, whilst Miss Ryan and Mrs Gunn will be looking after our remote learning via ClassDojo and Zoom.

Mr Houghton will continue to send out his daily messages to Chestnut and will read a daily class story. Miss Ryan will be doing the same for Rowan along with looking after the year 3 home learners. For any learning queries during the day, please contact Miss Ryan or Mrs Gunn.

Please keep yourselves safe.  We look forward to seeing what you’ve been up to with your learning.

Take care everyone.   Mr Houghton, Miss Ryan, Miss Cox, Mrs Gunn and Mrs Vidler