Year 3 have been using their maths skills in all kinds of subjects this week – from science to music, art to English, even in PE – and enjoying themselves at the same time! They made fantastic maths hats to bring in too. They thoroughly enjoyed the World War 2 code breakers workshop, tackling 7 different puzzles to stop the enemy in their tracks. We also looked at money and the things we can do with it – spend it, save it or donate it, all thanks to the NatWest Moneysense workshop. They ended the week with an Escape Room – could they find their way out of the forest by working out 8 different clues? – along with a game of French bingo, un… deux… trois…
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European Day of Languages – 25th Sept 2020
The children in Chestnut and Rowan had a fantastic day on Friday learning about all things Italian! They drew flags, learnt the numbers to 20, played Italian bingo, learned how to say hello and goodbye and to say the alphabet phonetically, played board games, completed a wordsearch and had a “cr-afternoon” making fans, Venetian masks and bridges out of spaghetti and marshmallows!
Term 1 – Maths ‘Key Instant Recall Facts’
This year in maths we will be focusing on Key Instant Recall Facts with a different focus each term.
Year 3’s term 1 focus is: ‘I know number bonds for all numbers to 20′.
To compliment the children’s learning at school, please could you help them at home as the key to these facts becoming embedded in the children’s memory is to practise little and often.
If you have any questions, please contact your class teacher via ClassDojo.
Many thanks
The Year 3 Team
Term 1 Overview
This term our topic theme is Rainforests which will also feature in our art, music and science. Below you can see an overview of the term for your information with a PDF download option in the link underneath the picture. Although we are unable to offer a year group visit to a tropical rainforest, we will be immersing the children in this topic within our school environment!
Term 1 – Rainforests (PDF Download)
The Year 3 Team
Welcome to Year 3 – 2020/2021
We’d like to say a big ‘hello’ to all our new children and families joining us in Chestnut and Rowan this year. We really enjoyed welcoming the children back into school on Thursday and it was lovely to see all of them smiling and excited to be back after such a long time away.
Our PE day will be Thursday. Please can you ensure your child has a full PE kit in school, clearly labelled so they can participate fully in our PE activities. Please could you also remove any jewellery (e.g. earrings, etc.) before the children come into school.
Please could you also ensure your child has a named water bottle in school each day to keep them hydrated and able to learn.
We look forward to getting to know you all over the next few weeks. If you have any queries, please direct them to your class teacher via ClassDojo or phone/email the office.
As a reminder, the school day start and finish times are as follows for each class:
Rowan – 8.30am start, 3.00pm finish
Chestnut – 8.50am start, 3.20pm finish
Please adhere to these start and finish times to minimise the number of people on the school site at any one time and to allow social distancing to be observed.
Many thanks for your understanding
The Year 3 Team
Chestnut – Mr R Houghton and Mrs C Gunn
Rowan – Miss N Ryan and Ms V Cox
Final Learning Pack
Hello Year 3
Welcome to your last learning pack of the year. This time we have given you some fun activities to do, which will hopefully keep you busy into the holidays.
Despite the short time we spent together, it has been a real privilege getting to know you all and we have thoroughly enjoyed our time as your teachers. We wish you continued success in Year Four.
We hope as many of you as possible make the last class catch ups this week as it would be great to see you all.
Until then, stay safe and take care
The Year Three Team
Mrs Hall, Mr Houghton and Mrs Gunn
Home Learning Pack w/c 6th July 2020
Hello year 3!
We hope you all had a good weekend. Thank you for all your amazing learning you sent in last week, we love to see everything you have been doing.
Please find below your home learning pack for this week.
Take care and stay safe. We look forward to seeing you on our Zoom catch ups.
The Year Three Team
Home Learning Pack w/c 29th June 2020
Home Learning 22-6-20
Hello Year 3
We hope this message finds you all continuing to be safe and well.
Sadly, it appears unlikely that we will all be getting back together again, before the summer break. Mr Houghton continues to teach the keyworker children and as of Monday, Mrs Hall will be teaching in Year 5. This will mean some adjustments on class dojo, however we are keen to maintain links with our own classes and would still like to see your work, so please continue to upload.
Please find enclosed your learning pack for this week. We are continuing to use Oak Academy for our main learning, but there is also the BBC Bitesize as well as the school workbooks, which I hope you have all managed to collect.
We will continue to keep you informed of any updates via dojo or this website.
Stay safe.
The Year Three Team