Home Learning Gallery w/c Tuesday 5th January 2021

Year 3 Home Learning Term 3 – Week 1

This week the children have looked at traditional rhyming poetry in English. They also wrote similes and metaphors about African animals. By the end of the week the children had written their own African animal rhyming poem – they were all fantastic!

In maths we have been focusing on place value. Throughout the week the children have completed a range of activities ordering and comparing different 3-digit numbers.

For focused reading this term we are reading an African tale called Anna Hibiscus by Atinuke. The children have really enjoyed this so far and even made art work in addition to the work supplied.

All that and much, much more!

What a wonderful week Year 3!

Home Learning w/c Tuesday 5th January 2021

Hello Year 3

We hope that you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year break, albeit more subdued this year.  We had hoped to be welcoming everyone back to the classroom this week, but sadly that is not to be this term according to tonight’s announcement.

Please find below our home learning pack for this week.  We have adapted these from our planned lessons this week and added a few other options whilst we test out whether all we had planned for the term is possible to do at home.

Home Learning Activities PDF w/c 5th January 2021

To keep our learning as practical as we can, this week you’ll need an empty tub, e.g. margarine / ice cream tub, some string (or wool) and some different surfaces for our science experiment!

Mr Houghton and Miss Cox will be in school looking after the year 3 keyworker children whilst Miss Ryan will be looking after our remote learning via ClassDojo and Zoom.

Mr Houghton will still be sending out daily messages to Chestnut and will read a class story each day. He is also looking forward to looking at all the learning you submit via your ClassDojo portfolio. For any learning queries during the day, please contact Miss Ryan.

We hope you all stay safe and well and we look forward to the day when we can all be back together again.

Many Thanks

Mr Houghton, Miss Ryan, Miss Cox and Mrs Gunn

Reference Guide for Parents – Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Guide

SPaG Glossary PDF Download

Term 3 – Maths ‘Key Instant Recall Facts’

This term in maths we will be continuing our focus on Key Instant Recall Facts.

Year 3’s focus for term 3 is: ‘I know the multiplication and division facts for the 4 times table′.

Y3 KIRFS (Term 3) (PDF Download)

To complement the children’s learning at school, please could you help them at home as the key to these facts becoming embedded in the children’s memory is to practise little and often.

If you have any questions, please contact your class teacher via ClassDojo.

Many thanks

The Year 3 Team



Term 3 Overview

Welcome back everyone! This term our topic will be Africa, with lots of cross-curricula activities in English, art, DT, music and even maths!  Below you can find an overview of the term – there’s also a PDF download available.  We are looking forward to all our new learning this term including thinking about our Big Question in RE (What is the Trinity?); working with 3-digit numbers in addition and subtraction and also learning about fractions in maths; writing journey tales and describing settings in English; investigating forces and magnets in science and thinking about our dreams and ambitions in PSHE!  Another term bursting with exciting learning!


Term 3 Overview – Africa (PDF Download)

The Year 3 Team
Chestnut – Mr Houghton & Mrs Gunn
Rowan – Miss Ryan & Miss Cox

Term 2 – Maths ‘Key Instant Recall Facts’

This term in maths we will be continuing our focus on Key Instant Recall Facts.

Year 3’s focus for term 2 is: ‘I know the multiplication and division facts for the 3 times table′.

To complement the children’s learning at school, please could you help them at home as the key to these facts becoming embedded in the children’s memory is to practise little and often.

If you have any questions, please contact your class teacher via ClassDojo.

Many thanks

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Term 2 Key Instant Recall Facts (PDF Download)

Y3 KIRFS (Term 2)

Term 2 Overview

This term we continue with our topic theme about Rainforests.  Below you can find an overview of the term for your information along with a PDF download option.  We are looking forward to all our new learning this term as we look at Sikhism in RE; multiplication and division in maths; wishing tales, limericks and travel guides in English; skeletons, muscles and a balanced diet in science and celebrating differences in PSHE!

Year 3 Term 2 Overview

Term 2 Overview – Rainforests (PDF Download)

The Year 3 Team
Chestnut – Mr Houghton & Mrs Gunn
Rowan – Miss Ryan & Ms Cox

Maths Week

Year 3 have been using their maths skills in all kinds of subjects this week – from science to music, art to English, even in PE – and enjoying themselves at the same time!  They made fantastic maths hats to bring in too.  They thoroughly enjoyed the World War 2 code breakers workshop, tackling 7 different puzzles to stop the enemy in their tracks.  We also looked at money and the things we can do with it – spend it, save it or donate it, all thanks to the NatWest Moneysense workshop.  They ended the week with an Escape Room – could they find their way out of the forest by working out 8 different clues? – along with a game of French bingo, un… deux… trois… Year 3 enjoying maths week activities

European Day of Languages – 25th Sept 2020

The children in Chestnut and Rowan had a fantastic day on Friday learning about all things Italian! They drew flags, learnt the numbers to 20, played Italian bingo, learned how to say hello and goodbye and to say the alphabet phonetically, played board games, completed a wordsearch and had a “cr-afternoon” making fans, Venetian masks and bridges out of spaghetti and marshmallows!