Summer Half-Term Fun Activities

Hello everyone!

We cannot believe it is half-term already, five weeks have just flown by – we hope you all enjoy the break.

We are not setting any home learning for this week, so you have time to relax and enjoy this time with family.  However, if you are struggling for ideas to entertain everyone after so long at home, we have put together a small pack of fun activities for you to try. We’d still love to see your pictures, so please continue to send them in to your ClassDojo portfolio.

thumbnail of Year 3 Half-Term Holiday Pack

We look forward to catching up with you again (remotely) on 1st June.  Take care everyone and stay safe.

Mrs Hall, Mr Houghton and Mrs Gunn

Home Learning w/c 18th May 2020

We hope you all had a lovely weekend. Last week we loved seeing all your VE Day pictures – thank you for sharing!  We have thoroughly enjoyed seeing all your lovely learning on ClassDojo, it puts a big smile on our faces – thank you!

Our home learning this week changes slightly as we move over to use the Oak National Academy website for much of our learning.  Hopefully everything will continue to be self explanatory, but if you have any questions please contact us via the ClassDojo for support. We have also included an Oxford Owls eBooks – How to Guide to help you access their free eBooks library.

We hope you enjoy the new learning in this pack and we look forward to seeing everything you share on ClassDojo.

thumbnail of Year 3 Home Learning Activities wc 18th May 2020 thumbnail of Oxford Owl eBooks – How to Guide

Have a great week. Take care and stay safe.

Year 3 Team   Mrs Hall, Mr Houghton and Mrs Gunn

Home Learning w/c 11th May 2020

Last week whizzed past again, but perhaps that was because there was a bank holiday in it too!  We hope you enjoyed some VE Day celebrations where you are.  Year 3 have continued to share so much fantastic work with us – you should be very proud of yourselves. Thank you to everyone who has been sharing their learning with us on ClassDojo.

Our new home learning pack can be found below and, once again, it is bursting with exciting activities.  This week’s pack contains some exciting Science experiments, Topic work looking back at deaf awareness week, program your own computer game in Computing, a continuation of our RE topic Kingdom of God, monster Art, more about Motown in Music, as well as reading, English, maths, PE and PSHE.  We hope you enjoy the new learning in this pack and we look forward to seeing everything you share on ClassDojo.

thumbnail of Year 3 Home Learning Activities wc 11th May 2020

Have a great week. Take care and stay safe.  If you have any questions, contact us via ClassDojo for support.

Year 3 Team   Mrs Hall, Mr Houghton and Mrs Gunn

Home Learning w/c 4th May 2020

Another fantastic week of learning by year 3 has just flown past – thank you to everyone who has been sharing their learning with us on ClassDojo, you have been working really hard.

We have a new home learning pack for you bursting with exciting activities.  This week’s pack contains some Topic work about VE day, a Computing problem-solving task, a continuation of our new RE topic Kingdom of God, a poster making activity in Art, find out more about a Motown artist in Music, as well as reading, English, maths, science and PE.  We hope you enjoy the new learning in this pack and we look forward to seeing everything you share on ClassDojo.  We’ve also included a SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) Glossary for reference.

thumbnail of Year 3 Home Learning Activities wc 4th May 2020    thumbnail of SPaG Glossary

Have a great week. Take care and stay safe.

Year 3 Team (Mrs Hall, Mr Houghton and Mrs Gunn)

Home Learning w/c 27th April 2020

Well I don’t know about you, but week 1 of this term just flew by.  Thank you to everyone who has been sharing their learning with us on ClassDojo, you have been working really hard.

This week we have some exciting new activities for you and these can all be found in the pack below.  This week’s pack contains some more ICT e-Safety activities, more on our Romans topic, a continuation of our new RE topic Kingdom of God, and exciting Art activity, as well as reading, English, maths, science, music and PE.  We hope you enjoy the new learning in this pack and we look forward to seeing everything you share on ClassDojo.  We’ve also included a SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) Glossary for reference.

thumbnail of Year 3 Home Learning Activities wc 27th April 2020    thumbnail of SPaG Glossary

Have a great week. Take care and stay safe.

Year 3 Team (Mrs Hall, Mr Houghton and Mrs Gunn)

Week 4 – Spelling

Children can choose activities to complete.



There is a selection of worksheets to work through:

Day 1 – read over the information sheet and make notes (you can create a poster if you want to).
Day 2 – ‘Dots and Dashes’
Day 3 – Word changers
Day 4 – Choose the right word
Day 5 – ask someone to test you on some of the words that you have been learning.

Week 4 – SPaG and English



Please work through the following activities:
– Verbs
– Adjectives
– Conjunctions
– Modal verbs part 1 and 2

You may find the following link useful: there are

some alternative / additional activities for verbs and modal verbs too.


Online: (optional daily challenge)
The following website contains videos of famous authors setting you a 10-minute writing challenge. Choose one that you like the look of and away you go!

10 Minute Challenges


Write a balanced argument about the statements below. These can be completed in any order and one should be completed each day:

• Should girls be allowed to play football with boys?
• Should dogs be banned from parks?
• Should school uniform be compulsory?
• Should all children be entitled to pocket money?
• Should children be limited to one hour’s access to the internet per day?

You should plan the arguments for and against (you could use a list or a mind map) before you start writing. You may want to have a discussion with your family first.

Think about how you structure your arguments – look at the documents to help you (you may decide not to use these). There is an example about Homework being banned.