Messy mummification!


This week Year 4 have been busily mummifying fish. It was a rather smelly, slippery process but we had great fun. We had to wash and dry the fish and then their organs would have been removed. Fortunately, our fish had already been gutted! After that, we covered them with salt to dry the fish out. When the drying process is complete we will uncover the fish for the next part of the process. We’ll report back to you next time…

PE days

Please note that our PE day has changed to Wednesdays.  Please could we remind you that all children should be in full St Nicholas, named PE kits, with any jewellery removed (earrings).

Our topics are Dance and Tag Rugby.  Dance will be indoors and require shorts, plimsolls and t-shirts.  Tag Rugby will be outdoors, so children may wear black jogging bottoms and trainers.

Many thanks

Year 3 team


Welcome back

Welcome back to all our children and families, we hope you had a lovely Christmas break.

This term we have an exciting new topic as we embark on an exploration of Africa, its people and stories.

Please click the link to download: Knowledge Organiser

Many thanks

Year 3 team

Term 2 Catch Up


Hello all,

I can’t believe it’s nearly Christmas and the end of term is almost upon us. We’ve had a busy time since the last half term beginning with;


Boogie bounce. Which was great fun, and exhausting!

Odd sock day to highlight how great it is to be different during Anti Bullying Week.


A fantastic day of sports at the Marsh Academy.


Estimating in maths.


and finally, learning how to present forward rolls in PE.

Unfortunately we still have quite a few children who either do not have the correct PE kit, or have no PE kit in school at all. It is really important that children are correctly prepared for all lessons.

Thank you

The Year Three Team




Term 2

Welcome back and we hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable half-term break.

This term in Chestnut and Rowan class we will be continuing with our Rainforest topic and linking this across other subjects.  The term 2 map below gives you an overview of the skills and activities we will be covering across all areas of the curriculum.

Please find below a link to a PDF copy for ease of use:

Topic Web Term 2


Our home learning activities (covering both terms) are due in by Thursday 28th November so we can prepare for a Fabulous Finish where we will share our learning with our families – watch out for a date for this.

Please find below a link to a PDF copy for ease of use.

Year 3 Home Learning Grid Term 1_2 2019-20


Year 3 team – Mrs Hall, Mr Houghton, Mrs Ross and Miss Clifton