This term, Year 1 have been busy learning about toys. All the children were able to go over to the Old School House to play with the Victorian toys and experience a Victorian classroom. Everyone had lots of fun on this trip!
Year 1 Archive
Learning in Year 1
We have been busy this term doing lots of exciting learning. We have been over the Art Studio and have even had a go on the laptops! In Art, we have been learning about different colour, looking at primary and secondary colours. Whilst in Computing we have learnt our username and how to log on and then we have started to explore paint.
Year 1 Welcome Meeting
Many thanks all the parents who came along to the open classes and meeting this afternoon. For those of you who couldn’t attend, we have attached the power point for your information. If you have any questions please come and ask us.
Miss Reynolds and Miss Wilson
We would like to welcome all our children and parents to Year 1. We have had a great start to the year and look forward to all the fun learning ahead.
Attached is our curriculum overview and homework for the term ahead.
Year 1 team
Father’s Day
Term 6
Welcome back!
We hope you all had a great half term and are looking forward to the term ahead.
Term 6 is always a busy term and we have lots of fun activities planned alongside our learning.
Please see the attached curriculum overview and homework for the upcoming term.
Year 1 Team