Star of the Week

Well done to Jack for being the star of the week. This was awarded for always coming into school with a smile, for being a great role model to his peers and always trying his best. Great work Jack.

Maths in Year 1

This week we have been busy learning all about numbers to 20. We have counted forwards and backwards, made numbers in a range of ways, read the numbers as a numeral and a word and looked at how many tens and ones in the numbers. Over the week, we have used a range of resources; numicon, tens frames and counters and then we learnt all about dienes and arrow cards.


Science Investigation

We have had a very busy few weeks in Year 1. A couple of weeks ago, we all got to find out what happens when something is cooled by making our own ice-cream! We were lucky enough to get to eat it afterwards, although some children didn’t think it tasted as good as shop brought ice-cream!

To make our ice-cream we used: milk, sugar, ice, vanilla flavouring  and put some salt in the bags with the ice. We then had to take it in turns to shake the bag of ice which eventually froze the milk and turned it into ice-cream.

Afterwards we added sprinkles and then got to eat it all up!