Our First School Trip

Mrs Reynolds and Miss Common have been to visit the site of our first school trip for the 2017-2018 School Year, we have been busy creating exciting learning experiences for our new Year One children and we are really looking forward to welcoming you all on Wednesday 6th September.

Our first IPC (international primary curriculum topic) will be Flowers and Insects. On Friday will be designing our own miniature gardens, so feel free to start collecting little objects that you could use for your own mini garden!

We are always looking to develop our outdoor area, so if you have any off-cuts of piping or clips to help with our new water wall, or any old baking tins or pans for our mud kitchen we would really appreciate any donations 🙂

Have a look through these lovely photos to see what flowers and insects you can spot!

We hope you have a lovely last few days of the school holiday.

Miss Reynolds and Miss Common

Over the holidays…

Welcome to New and Old Year One Parents,

Please log on to our Oxford Owl account where you can access free reading books online, you have a log-in stuck in your child’s contact book, if you can’t find it – just email Miss Common



We would also like to introduce you to Read Write Inc.

We will be suing this method to teach phonics to Reception, Year One and Year Two pupils from September.

Your child has been assessed and will be grouped with children for a 45 minute phonics, reading and writing session every morning. It is a fun, fast paced programme that will help your child to develop a love for reading.

We want to ensure that we give our children here at St Nicholas Primary the best start in their education, and we ask for your support too!

Have a look at these videos that will show how we will be teaching phonics and how you can support at home too.








St Nic’s has got Talent

Does your son or daughter have a fabulous skill that they’d love to share with the rest of the school?

On Monday we will be having class auditions for St Nic’s has got talent…. we can’t wait to hear some fantastic singing, watch amazing dancing, or be stunned by magic tricks!

Have a look at our powerpoint..

st nics has talent

Week 3 of school saw the whole of St Nicholas dress up on Monday to celebrate the start of our very own book week.

The children were really lucky to meet Brian Moses, they explored some of his famous poems and wrote their own, with his support during their Year One workshop with him. He was extremely popular and I know many children were excited to buy a book of the poems they enjoyed, and he kindly stayed behind after school to sign all of the books sold.

We made our own riddles and performed poetry over the week.

On Friday we were joined by Charlie Wilson who explained to use the history and secret of ‘krick-krack’ (Storytelling). The children were enthralled for the hour, joining in with sounds and actions as we learnt the story of the Honey Mouse.