European Day of Languages

As part of European Dy of Languages, Year 1 got to learn some French.

The children learnt the colours of the rainbow in french and applied this knowledge by colouring their own rainbows and playing colour Bingo.
They also learnt numerals to 10 and the french for the points of the compass which they used within their Geography and PE lessons.

Arts Week- We are Architects

As part of Arts Week, every child created their own building in a different style.

We began the week by looking at patterns and how we could create these using printing. The children experimented using cardboard and sponge shapes to create a variety of patterns. They then applied these to their building nets and once dried were constructed into 3D houses.

Welcome to Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

You’ll find below our learning overview for term 1 across all our subjects along with our Key Instant Recall Facts for maths this term. We are looking forward to our first term together and exciting learning ahead which we will share both on here and on ClassDojo.

PE this term will be on every Tuesday and Thursday. Please can you ensure your child brings their full PE kit into school at the beginning of the week with it clearly labelled. PE kit for all children: Navy shorts and white t-shirt, plimsolls/trainers and a pair of socks just in case. A navy blue tracksuit for colder weather. Further details can be found on the school website under Uniform.

The classrooms can get very warm, especially in the warmer weather. Please ensure your child has a clearly labelled water bottle with water within, everyday to keep them hydrated and able to learn.

As a reminder, the school day starts at 8:30am and ends at 3:15pm. Please aim to arrive at school at 8:30am as important Start Of The Day activities (SODA) take place during the time before worship and we would like all children to benefit from the maximum amount of learning time.

We can’t wait to get to know you all over the next few weeks. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher via ClassDojo or at the classroom door.

The Year 1 team.

Badgers – Mrs Darling, Mrs Thorn, Miss Williams, Mrs Head and Miss Phillips.
Otters – Mrs Fisher, Miss Cox, Mrs Brown.