Welcome to Eagles & Owls
Year 2 Archive
Term 5
Welcome back after a fantastic Easter Break.
We hope you’ve had some quality time with your families and eaten all the Easter eggs already!
This term we are learning about the Stone Age, our literacy will be linked to the story of the Cave Baby by Julia Donaldson and we have some exciting activities in store linked to our topic.
Here is our curriculum overview for this term:
Curriculum Overview Term 5 2024
Each term in maths we give you some key learning facts, these are facts that the children need to practice regularly at home to help them become instantly recalled. Through regular practice these facts are then retained and act as building blocks for further number work which we do in class.
Welcome to Year 2
Welcome to Year Two, the home of Fox, Hare and Rabbit classes
This is where you will find a summary of our learning, photos of our hard work and some helpful links and documents to help support your child.
Here is our curriculum map for Term 1
Here you will find our Key Instant Recall Facts
To practice your maths at speed log on to Numbots
The Lonely Beast
This term our English work is all linked to our lovely text ‘The Lonely Beast’
We’ve begun by exploring our feelings towards this enormous black creature of whom we know nothing about!
The children have been looking at the illustrations and using role-play to develop understanding about our main character.
We’ve mapped out the story and look forward to creating some interesting descriptions of the Beast next week
History, Art and DT
This term we have thoroughly immersed ourselves in our Stone Age topic. We have looked at Cave art, the types of houses from the different periods of the Stone Age and learnt about the settlement at Skara Brae.
We have some examples of Owl’s Cave Art paintings here, we used charcoal for a more authentic experience.
In DT we have been learning about sewing, we have designed and made our own pouches, we learnt how the Stone Age people were believed to have had a food pouch made from leather, and their inventions of needles from bones.
Here are some examples of Eagle classes Stone Age Pouches:
Beginning Our Great Fire of London Topic
This Term we are immersing ourselves in the Great Fire of London
On September 1st 2023 just a few days before we started back at school the topic made national headlines
Great Fire of London: Man who first raised alarm identified
How fantastic to study a topic that is still making the headlines!
We began our DT project by building some Tudor houses, we wanted to identify if they were stable, and how we could improve them when we build our own Tudor houses later in the term. The children were fantastic at cutting out the templates and worked hard together to create the 3D shapes.
Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole
This term we have been learning about Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale in our History lessons.
The children have learnt some key facts about how these amazing nurses helped injured soldiers in the Crimean war, and how their work changed nursing forever!
They have looked at old pictures and some photos to identify how poor the conditions were for the soldiers. They’ve dressed up and practiced being nurses themselves and we are looking forward to meeting a doctor next week to learn more about how to help protect current patients from further illness and infection.
Here are just a few samples of our work, our collaborative work and us pretending to be nurses!
Stone Age Cooking Workshop
Today we welcomed Scott from Wild Cooking to our school to teach us about how Stone Age people would have cooked their food.
We began by learning how to build a fire using a Jenga style set up, we started the fire using a flint and steel, but talked about how challenging using just flint would have been all those years ago.
We prepared Sea Bass, Trout, Venison and vegetable kebabs whilst learning how to create wooden skewers from oak branches. We learnt how to cook the fish in one way, and then using bricks to create a base for our skewers.
Some recounts from the children about their experiences:
Useful Information about Year 2
PE this year is on Mondays and Wednesday afternoons, we will be inside and outside during these sessions.
PE kit for all children: Navy Shorts and white T-shirt, plimsolls/ trainers. A navy-blue tracksuit for colder weather – further details can be found on the school website by following this link – School Uniform
The classrooms can be very warm with everyone busy learning, so please ensure your child has a clearly labelled water bottle with them in school each day to keep them hydrated and able to learn.
As a reminder, the school day starts at 8.30 am and ends at 3.15 pm. Please aim to arrive at school at 8.30am, as important Start Of Day Activities (SODA) take place during the time before worship and we would like all children to benefit from the maximum amount of learning time.
In Fox Class we have Mr Hooper and Miss Carswell
In Hare Class we have Miss Kay and Mrs Newman
In Rabbit Class we have Mrs Dunton (on Monday and Tuesday) Miss McHaffie (on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) and Miss Howes