Fire safety

We were really lucky to have Kent Fire and Rescue Service visit the school at the beginning of term.

The children learnt about the role of a fire fighter, we saw what protective clothing they have to wear and how they keep safe.

We also learnt some rhymes to help keep us safe…

Matches, lighters

never touch

They can hurt you

very much

We also learnt that every week we should check our smoke detectors, so that when we are sleeping they can be our eyes and our noses and detect fire for us!

Keep your family safe from harm

Have a working smoke alarm

We would like to introduce you to Read Write Inc.

We will be using this method to teach phonics to Reception, Year One and Year Two pupils from September.

Your child has been assessed and will be grouped with children for a 45 minute phonics, reading and writing session every morning. It is a fun, fast paced programme that will help your child to develop a love for reading.

We want to ensure that we give our children here at St Nicholas Primary the best start in their education, and we ask for your support too!

Have a look at these videos that will show how we will be teaching phonics and how you can support at home too.

Have a look at this video to see how we hope to transform our teaching of phonics, reading and writing

Please log on to our Oxford Owl account where you can access free reading books online, you have a log-in stuck on the front of your child’s reading record book.



Dear Parents,

Please find attached the curriculum letter for Term 6. This will give you an overview of the next 7 weeks of learning taking place in Year 2. We have an extremely busy term ahead of us as we prepare the children for their move to KS2.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

Miss Reynolds and Mrs Lilly

summer curriculum letter

Summer Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Please find attached the Summer Curriculum Letter. This will give you an overview of the curriculum for the next 5 weeks.

During this term, we will also be carrying out our end of KS1 assessments. These will take place throughout May and will be in class to ensure the children are as relaxed as possible. A timetable will follow shortly.


Mrs Lilly and Miss Reynolds

Summer Newsletter

Maths in Year 2


We are moving forward in Year 2 with our learning in Maths. We focus on two elements: Fluency and Reasoning. From Friday, we will be sending home bi-weekly arithmetic tests for the children to complete at home with you. The children all the skills needed in order to complete these, however, they might need some support and guidance from you.  This will supplement the children’s learning on Mathletics.

Here are copies of the test papers that will be sent home each week.


Below is a video with more information on the end of key stage 1 assessments.

The above link provides you with information regarding the types of assessments the children are expected to complete.

If you have any questions, please ask your child’s class teacher.