Term 4


This term we are studying habitats around the world. The book we are looking at is Meerkat Mail, where Sunny the little meerkat finds his home too hot, too dry, and his family too big so he goes off to explore alternatives habitats to live.

We have linked our English to our Geography where we have been learning about the North and South Pole, and explored what would happen if Sunny moved somewhere cold! Science is learning about habitats too, which fits perfectly with our other topics this term.

Maths is all things money, so when you are out at the weekend please try and show your child some coins, and maybe even let them pay for something small too! Here are our Key Learning Facts for this term: T3 KIRFs y2

Curriculum Web Term 4 2024

Arts Week

During this week we worked on our observational, sketching and collage skills.

The whole school looked at architecture as our theme for this year, while in Year Two we focused on Doors.

We began the week by going for a walk around New Romney to look at all of the different styles of doors we could find. The Children took photos of them, then it was back to school to sketch the different doors we had seen. We moved on to looking at artists, especially Henri Matisse and his approach to art. We created some artwork using his methods, looking at techniques, colours and shapes.

Our final piece was a door each, where the children used materials they’d collected at home and at school to recreate one of the doors we found on our walk.

The children did a fantastic job and we can’t wait to share them properly in a gallery format later in the term!

Happy Mother’s Day

We are looking forward to seeing as many families as possible at our Mother’s Day service later at church.

The children have written some heartfelt prayers and have worked hard to create cards and pictures for you all.

Thank you mums, grans, nans and aunties for all your hard work in supporting your gorgeous children.

Here’s just a glimpse of some of the work they’ve been creating.

Book Week 2024

Book Week 2024

This year each year group chose a non-fiction book from the Little People Big Dreams series. Year Two chose to learn about Sir David Attenborough as we’ve been learning about animals and habitats this term, we knew that some of our pupils were huge Attenborough fans!

We have read about him, watched films and then invented a new animal for him to discover.

We wrote descriptions of our new animals and then the children used these descriptions to design a picture of what they looked like. We wrote letters to Sir David Attenborough and will post these next week – we are keeping our fingers crossed that we get a reply from the man himself!

Find our animals here:

The Snail and the Whale

To start this term we have been reading and delving into the gorgeous story of the Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson.

We began our term by looking at some garden snails, we watched how they moved and researched by watching videos and reading books. The children all had the chance to make their own snails and many children had collected shells over the half term break so we could study those to see which was closest to the shape of the tiny sea snail in the story.

Our learning so far has looked at describing settings, working collaboratively with our peers to think of the best and most suitable adjectives to describe the scenes from the book. We have looked at the different spellings igh/i-e/ie which are often found in the story, and have begun to look at contractions (don’t / won’t / didn’t).

The children have been immersed in the scenes and have been able to use all their senses to describe the settings.

You can even download this page to practice your lovely cursive handwriting!

cursive handwriting sheet


RWI Spelling in Year Two

RWI Spelling

This term has seen the start of all children in Year Two having daily RWI spelling sessions.

They have been working really hard and helping each other with their work, one of the new skills they’ve been learning is dictation. The children work in pairs to dictate a sentence to their partner and then help them check if it’s correct. The patience and support they’ve demonstrated has been lovely to watch.

Each week the children are sent spellings home which will be tested on a Friday in the RWI spelling sessions. We will work slowly through the programme to ensure that all children are getting what they need from it.

You can log into the Oxford Owl website to find further books to read online. If your child really likes playing on a tablet then you can find lots of books on the site to read on the tablet, there are also so audio recordings of some of the stories we have at school!


We will soon be pointing you in the direction of further online activities that you can do with your children to help them with their learning in school, keep an eye on DOJO for further updates