So far this term we have been looking at our times table.
We started by using counters to help us make arrays and have since moved onto drawing picture representations to help us.
“Learning, loving and encouraging through Christ.”
Welcome back to Term 3.
Here is our curriculum overview and KIRFs for the term.
Hello Everyone and Welcome to Year 2.
It was lovely for us to meet your children and see how excited they were to start the new school year. They all looked really smart in their school uniforms. We can already tell it’s going to be a great year.
Please find enclosed the curriculum overview for this term, telling you all about the wonderful learning we have planned, as well as the Key Instant Recall Facts (Kirf’s) for math’s. We really would appreciate your help in supporting your children to learn these as they improve their fluency and problem solving abilities.
Reading is once again a big focus and we would like the children to earn their raffle tickets by continuing to read each night. Please remember to sign the contact book.
PE days are Tuesday’s. Could all children please have a named kit in school.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or queries.
Thank you
The Year 2 team
We have had a lovely sunny week to start the last term of the academic year.
Please find attached our curriculum overview and KIRFs for this term.
We look forward to sharing some of our fantastic learning with you.
We hope you have all had a lovely Easter break and are ready for the term ahead. As always this term is going to be busy with lots of exciting learning and Science Week to look forward to!
Attached is our curriculum overview for the term ahead and the Maths KIRFs for this term which is all about the 5 times tables. TTRS will be great for this as well as many other sites such as ICT games, hit the button.
We can’t wait to share all the exciting learning with you.
Miss Reynolds and Mrs Hall
It has been great having all the children back at school.
Here are some photos to celebrate all the hard work the children have been doing! In RE, we learnt all about the Easter story, acting it out and discussing how Jesus and his disciples feelings’ changed throughout Holy Week. Maths, we have been busy learning about fractions, finding 1/2 and 1/4 of an amount.
Good Morning Everyone,
As we will all be back in school soon, we are enclosing with this message the curriculum overview for next term.
This will give you an idea of the topics the children will be learning during the rest of Term 4 and into Term 5.
Kind regards
The Year 2 Team
Hello again.
Please find enclosed the KIRF’s (Key instant recall facts) for maths for term 4.
The expectation is, that by the end of Term 4, all children should know these facts and be able to recall them instantly.
The Year 2 Team