Welcome to Year 3 – 2022/23

A huge ‘hello’ to all our new children and families joining us in Chestnut and Rowan this year. We really enjoyed welcoming the children back into school on Monday and it was lovely to see all of them smiling and excited to be back after the summer break.

Our PE day will be Friday.  Please can you ensure your child has a full PE kit in school, clearly labelled so they can participate fully in our PE activities. Please could you also remove any jewellery (e.g. earrings, etc.) before the children come into school.

The classrooms can be very warm with everyone busy learning, so please could we ask that your child has a named water bottle in school each day to keep them hydrated and able to learn.

As a reminder, the school day starts at 8.30 am and we have a new finish time of  3.15pm.  Please aim to arrive at school at 8.30am as important Start Of Day Activities (SODA) take place during the time before worship and we would like all children to benefit from the maximum amount of learning time.

We look forward to getting to know you all over the next few weeks.  If you have any queries, please direct them to your class teacher via ClassDojo or on the door.

The Year 3 Team

Chestnut – Mrs Lee, Mrs Gunn, Ms Knight and Miss Irons
Rowan – Mr Houghton and Miss Hatwell

Outdoor Adventurous Activities

In PE this term we have been having lots of fun developing many skills in Outdoor Adventurous Activities!

We have been developing our team work skills through various different challenges. We have used our bodies to make different letters of the alphabet and we also had to face the challenge of using only 5 stepping stones to get a team of Vikings across a giant pool of water!

Later this week we will be using maps, along with our problem solving skills, to help us complete various challenges.

Year 3


In Maths we have been working really hard to learn all about fractions!

We have learnt how to find fractions of shapes and numbers, as well as learning how to place fractions on a number line! Our Learning Journey wall shows that we have been using the Bar Model and Whole Part Model to help in developing our understanding.

This week we begin our assessments across our core subjects. We are sure nobody will need it but… Good luck!

Year 3

Term 5

Welcome to Term 5.

We hope you all had a refreshing Easter break and are looking forward to  lots more exciting learning  as we finish off the Anglo Saxons and Vikings and prepare to meet the Romans! Please find the Topic Web link enclosed.

A polite reminder that PE day is Thursday and we will be doing both indoor and outdoor PE this term. Please could all children have a PE kit in school, which is named.

Thank you

The Year Three Team

Topic Web Term 5

Term 4

Invasion is on the way.

This term has began  with our stunning start, which saw the Anglo-Saxons of Chestnut class defend their lands from the murderous, marauding Vikings of Rowan, with their own home made swords and shields. This will lead us into the start of our topic, as well as, providing some background knowledge and feelings to help with our English writing (Non- Fiction Writing in the form of a News Paper report.)














Curriculum Map – Spring Term

Welcome back and a Happy New Year to all our parents and families in Year 3.

Please find attached our curriculum map for term 3.


Just a reminder, Year 3 have their PE on a Thursday afternoon. Please can you ensure your children have their PE kit in school on this day. Children are required to have a full PE kit (named). Earings must not be worn during PE lessons.

Many thanks – Year 3 Team

Spring 2 Brockhill trip

Our topic this term was scavengers and settlers which we embellished by going to the amazing Brockhill park and creating our own dens and having lots of fun in the mud like our ancestors.



We even made our own natural art!

Year 3 reminders

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Times Table Rockstars – Let’s be the best we can be Year 3!


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Don’t forget to check on all of the amazing stuff each class gets up to on our class Dojo.  How many Dojo’s can you collect?


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Don’t forget how amazing mathletics is with helping with our maths!


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Finally, don’t forget oxford owls for the amazing online books for free!  Create a free login!


Keep up the amazing work everyone!


Such exciting events happening this term!

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Please all come into school in fancy dress! BUT you must be a character from a book!

Be as creative as you can!

Not to forget our trip! 

Date: Friday 2nd March

Venue: Brockhill Park

Don’t forget to check class dojo for updates on class specific information.

Many thanks for your ongoing support.

Miss Sisk and Mrs Hall

Year 3 notes and news

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We have some exciting new things to introduce this term!

Image result for class dojo
We have started a new reward system at school called Class Dojo!
The best thing about this is you can view how you are getting on at home!
Use the login that will be sent home and look as a family, edit your dojo and have lots of fun!
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We have also introduced a new app to help us learn our times tables.
This is an amazing app that helps children with their times tables.  The best part is earning coins to change your own rockstar and compete as a class or beat your best time!
I will set specific times tables and will monitor your improvement from school,  we will also be doing our own assessments at school using this system.  It is fun!
To access the ones we set, go onto GARAGE or ARENA area!

Who will be the most improved times table rockstar and have their picture up in the hall AND wear the rockstar dress up in school?

Finally, I will see you on Friday at the school Christmas fair!

Many thanks for your ongoing support,

Miss Sisk and Mrs Hall.