Book Week

Look how fantastic we are all dressed up for the start of Book Week. Congratulations to Isabel Walsh (Birch) and Joshua Rabson (Chestnut) for achieving the effort award for English this week. Also huge congratulations to Zeeka Finn (Chestnut) and Freya Buxton – Carden (Birch) for being chosen by the author Brian Moses for their outstanding love poems to an alien.

We thoroughly enjoyed the workshops with both Brian Moses and Charlie Wilson.

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 4 team.

From Caterpillars to Butterflies

Over the past few weeks we have watched our Caterpillars grow and change into chrysalides. We moved our chrysalides into a butterfly habitat and waited for them to metamorphose into beautiful butterflies! Unfortunately, this change didn’t happen before the end of term. I’m happy to report that so far over the holidays three of the chrysalides have hatched into beautiful butterflies. Please see the pictures below 🙂


Week 6 Update

Home Learning 26.05.17 (Due in 07.06.17).

As we approach the end of Term 5 we would like to thank you for your support with reading and times tables. Please continue to support your child at home with their times tables and reading. We are still aiming to get EVERY CHILD TO AT LEAST GOLD LEVEL TIMES TABLES BY THE END OF TERM 6 (7 MORE ATTEMPTS TO GO).

Over the half term please look at the year 3/4 spelling list (copies provided just in case you have lost yours). Continue to read daily for the summer reading challenge.

Finally, please log on to Mathletics and complete any outstanding work.

We hope you have a wonderful break and come refreshed and ready to learn. Wow we can’t believe how quick this year has gone already!

As we are now in the summer term we would kindly ask you to make sure your child has a water bottle, sun hat and (cream if required) in school as we are unable to provide drinking cups due to hygiene reasons.

On a final note, please ensure your child’s named PE kit is in school at all times so they do not miss out on the opportunity to participate in sporting activities.

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 4 team.

Super Swimmers

Well done to Birch Swimming group one for completing your block of swimming lessons. It has been lovely to see you all improve and increase in confidence over the past seven weeks. We had great fun playing with the floats and swimming equipment today!

Thanks for your continued support.

Miss Jones 🙂

Home Learning 19.05.17 (Due in 24.05.17).

Well done Birch and Chestnut for persevering through your assessments this week and trying your best. Home Learning this week is to practise your times tables, we only have 8 more Times Table challenges until the end of year 4!

The expectation is that all children should have completed at least Gold by the end of the year, who can challenge themselves to move up a level before the end of term? Please see your class teacher if you would like any sheets to practise at home 🙂

The competition between Birch and Chestnut is firing up this week, who will take the Busters Book Club trophy next week?

Target: To have 100% of children in both classes contribute. Parents please make sure you are signing reading records.

Our current star readers are:

Birch: Frankey, Yasmine, Sophie B, Katherine, Isabel W, Lily H, Valentine and Hayden.

Chestnut: Zac, Rebecca, Medard, Lily, Louisa, Alannah, Roxy, Ryan, Ruby, Erin and  Faith.

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 4 team.

Home Learning 11.05.17 (Due in 17.05.17).

In Maths this week we have been focusing on multiplication and division in preparation for assessments next week. Home Learning is to complete the calculations using grid method for multiplication and vertical number line or chunking for division (ask your children to explain the purpose of a fact bank).

In SPAG this week we have continued to focus on contractions. Please complete the ‘its’ or ‘it’s’ worksheet.

As ever please continue to read and practise times tables and spellings.

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 4 team.

Home Learning 05.05.17 (Due in 10.05.17).

We hope you made the most of the Bank Holiday weekend.

In Maths we have been learning the Roman Numerals from 1 (I) to 100 (C). Maths Home Learning this week is to complete a 100 square in Roman Numerals.

One of the focuses for SPAG this week has been contractions. For Home Learning you need to finish the statements adding in the correct contraction e.g. you will is contracted to you’ll.

Thank you for the fantastic efforts with your reading this week it has been great to see so many of you reading everyday, keep it up! The competition between Birch and Chestnuts for the Buster’s Book Club trophy is fierce! Who will take the title this week? Chestnuts are secretly hoping to reclaim the trophy this week from Birch! Keep an eye out on the class windows to see who are our reading champions of the week, these will be children who have read and recorded daily!

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 4 team.

Home Learning 28.04.17 (Due in 03.05.17).

Home Learning for IPC this week is to create your own undersea collage, be as creative as you can!

Plan and create your work using ideas from the examples given.

As always, continue to learn your spellings, times tables and read daily for the Summer Reading Challenge.

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 4 team.