Christmas is Here!

Term 2 has been a busy time in Year 4.  There have been sports events, volcanoes, plenty of Maths and writing and the last weeks have been topped up with singing, nativity watching, pantomime and a walk to the church in the rain!


Star of the week this week was;

Jimmy – Beech Class

Mrs. Whitehead and Mr. Almond would like to wish all the children from Year 4 and their families a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Please have a very enjoyable festive season and we will see you back to school on January 7th 2019.

Welcome to Birch and Beech


Birch leaf isolated on the white

A big well done to everyone in Year 4 regarding Buster’s Book Club. It is clearly evident that children are reading more every week.

Well done to Birch for winning the Busters Book Club trophy for the most children reading for the week.

Please remember to record your reading on your Buster’s Book Club bookmark or reading log. Failing this parents should tell the teacher verbally if their child has read and for how long.






Year 4 has made significant progress with Times Table Rock Stars and should be very happy with themselves. Well done to Birch for most improved class.

Our current leaders are Lucy (Birch) and Jaiden (Beech) with scores of 1.60 and 1.97 seconds to answer one question.


Congratulations to Chloe from Birch Class for being awarded ‘Star of the Week’ for her excellent effort towards reading.

Excellent progress with Reading Plus across Year 4 this week and over the term as a whole. Lets continue with this attitude.

Well done to Birch who are currently at the top of the leader board. This is a brilliant accomplishment.


Athletics at Marsh Academy

Year 4 participated in Sportshall Athletics at Marsh Academy today in partnership with the Kent Sports Trust.  All the children enjoyed the event and competed with great sportsmanship.

Both teams did extremely well, we were especially pleased with our A Team who received the gold medal.

Welcome to Year 4

All the children are now settling well into their 4th week of Year 4.  It’s great to see attitudes to learning are high and this is also seen with their enthusiasm to complete tasks at home.


Home learning this year will take the form of internet based activities on Reading Plus and Times Table Rockstars.  It is essential that the children complete these daily.  They are both fantastic programs which really boost reading and times table knowledge.


Please speak to your child’s teacher if you have questions about how to log in to these programs.

There are also optional mini projects for the children to complete.  Click on the link to view these.

Homework Term 1


Well done to both children who have been awarded star of the week.

Birch – Rudy

Beech – Eva



Term 5 Week 4

Birch leaf isolated on the whiteSingle horse chestnut leaf isolated on white

A huge well done this week to Harry who has shown true perseverance in both his maths and English work.

Well done to year 4 for their indubitable determination with Buster’s Book Club.

Many children are showing a growing interest with this, which is distinctly represented by the high percentage of class reading in regards to the quantity and the numbers taking part.

A big congratulations to Chestnut this week for winning the Buster’s Book Club trophy in KS2.

Reading Plus is going from strength to strength with most children continually improving their reading scores every week. A huge thank you to all parents help with their children’s home involvement with this and may it continue.

Though many are participating regularly at home, there is still a need for many to do this. I cannot emphasise the importance in which this will have on children’s overall reading, especially towards areas such as comprehension.

Image result for times table rockstars

Year 4 can now boast a Rock Legend, four Rock Stars, a multitude of Headliners and lots of Support acts.

This is truly amazing, though this could be even better if we are ensuring that the children are regularly accessing TTRS at home as well as in school.

Fountain Pens  Image result for cartoon fountain pen

Well done to both Birch and Chestnut in regards to the attainment of fountain pens. There are now 12 children who possess them and more are working hard with this aim in mind.


Birch leaf isolated on the whiteSingle horse chestnut leaf isolated on white

Welcome to Birch & Chestnut.

Well done to year 4 this term for their continued determination in regards to Busters Book Club. The children have developed a keen enthusiasm for reading which is evident by the amount of times y4 have recently won the trophy. Lets keep it going everyone!

Year 4 Star of the Week goes to Morgan from Birch class, for her continued dedication to learning.

Reading Plus is carried out by children every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and also set for homework throughout the week. Though many are participating regularly at home, there is still a need for many to do this. I cannot emphasise the importance in which this will have on children’s overall reading, especially towards areas such as comprehension, so if we could all make a concerted effort to ensure this is done, it will undoubtedly pay dividends in the end.


Class Dojo is a method we use to communicate to parents about issues affecting Year 4.  This can be accessed via a mobile phone or internet enabled device.

Image result for times table rockstars

Times Table Rock Stars is becoming increasingly popular and is clearly benefiting all  participants. Lets not leave it at this though, an extra effort, will clearly be beneficial to all.

Well done to everyone who took part in TTRS Battle of the Bands. It was between different houses this week and was a closely run battle.



Year 4 Blog

Busters book club is as popular with the children as ever. Both year 4 classes are doing very well indeed. Birch managed to scoop the trophy this week with an exceptional turnout of minutes read.

Well done to Angel Paige today for receiving the Star of the Week Certificate.

Image result for times table rockstars

Times Table Rock Stars is becoming increasingly popular and is noticeably benefiting all those who participate. Lets not leave it at this though, an extra push and we will undoubtedly reap the rewards.

Well done to Chestnut class for giving Nicholas Bear a home for the week. Keep up the good work.

A final well done to Jessica in Chestnut class on receiving a fountain pen. This is because her handwriting is of an exceptional standard.

Busters book club is going from strength to strength and the majority of children are now participating (even enjoying) reading. Well done to Birch for winning the Busters Book Club readers of the week.

Reading plus is dramatically increasing in popularity among the children and is definitely having a positive impact on their overall learning. Some children are actually asking if they can spend time at lunch continuing with their learning.

Congratulations to Max Lindsey this week for Star of the Week!


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Times Table Rock Stars is slowly increasing in usage, but there is still room for even more effort! Come on year 4, we can do this!

Term 3


Angel Pryce



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ClassDojo is proving a real success among the children!

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Times Tables Rock Stars are noticeably helping the children with their times tables in school, but a further push would undoubtedly help even more! If we could all make a concerted effort with this, it would be much appreciated.

We began Reading Plus this week. Reading Plus is an interactive programme which enables children to strengthen reading skills by answering comprehension questions to a selected text of their choosing. This will prove a welcome supplement to the reading already being done and is proving effective from the start. Children can login at home via the link below.

Once at the site, you will need to type the site code:


Then the username: their name (lower case) followed by 1st initial of surname.

Password: read