Home Learning – 11.11.16 (Due in 16.11.16).

Home Learning – 11.11.16 (Due in 16.11.16)

Home learning this week is to create a fact file on Howard Carter. Research as many facts as possible. Remember to include a heading and sub-headings.

Points to address:

  • Who is Howard Carter?
  • Why is he famous?
  • Were there any significant events in his life?

Maths this week is to practise your times tables for the Times Table Challenge on Friday.

Please continue to read for Buster’s Book Club every night, congratulations to both Birch and Chestnut for having the highest percentage of readers last week!

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 4 team.


Home Learning 04.11.16 (Due in 09.11.16).


Firstly, well done to all of the children for putting in a lot of effort over half term and creating fantastic shoe box habitats! We hope you managed to have a good look at them as you arrived for parents evening.

Home Learning for this week:

For English, create an acrostic poem on ‘Autumn’ (worksheet provided).

Maths this week is to practise your times tables for the Times Tables Challenge on Friday (remember the skills and techniques that you have learnt this week).

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 4 team.


Home Learning – 14.10.16 (Due in 19.10.16).

Thank you to all of the children for their hard work this week during our assessments, only one more week until the end of term!

Home Learning for this week:

Our SPAG focus for the next few weeks is sentence structure focusing next week on capital letters and full stops. Home learning is a worksheet provided.

Please check the MyMaths website for this weeks home learning.

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 4 team.

Home Learning – Due in 05.09.16 (Wednesday)

Homework for this week:

My Maths is now back up and running and we hope that the glitches have been sorted out, please see homework for this week. https://www.mymaths.co.uk/

SPAG homework this week is attached below. Children need to choose the correct word to fill in the blank. There are two worksheets, challenge yourself can you complete both of them?


Many Thanks,

Year 4 team.


Home learning and next week info – 23.09.16

Home Learning for Birch and Chestnut this week:

  1. Practise and rehearse your song for the Harvest Festival (please find lyrics attached).
  2. Learn the times tables for your specific award (Bronze – 2,5 and 10. Silver – 3,4,6 and 8).
  3. For English please research your favourite author.

Congratulations to those children who completed the reading challenge your efforts helped St Nicholas Academy to win this year! Please can those children bring in their gold medals on Monday for a group photograph.

Plea for help!

Thursday 29th is the school Harvest Festival in St Nicholas Church. We would kindly appreciate any gifts (tins, packets ect NOT perishables) that you would like to donate to support the needy and elderly within the Parish.

Any help walking to the church at 9am and back would be greatly received. Please let your class teacher know if you are available.


Many Thanks,

Year 4 team.