Home Learning 31.03.17 (Due in 19.04.17).

Firstly, we would like to commend all the children for all their hard work and determination this term, how quickly the end of Term Four has come around!

Home Learning for IPC over the Easter Break is to identify and record the plants and animals you see in the different habitats that you visit. This could be as simple as your garden, the beach or where ever you may be travelling over the Easter Break.

Home Learning for Maths has been provided on worksheets. Both of these topics we will be focusing on next term.

Please continue to keep up with your reading, times tables and spelling practise.

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 4 Team.

Home Learning 17.03.17 (Due in 22.03.17).

Hopefully Mathletics is back up and running now, please let your class teacher know if you are still having issues.

Next week is Assessment Week, to prepare for the arithmetic test we have set Mathletics Home Learning based on the four operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). Please continue to practise  your spellings and your times tables for the times table challenge. It was lovely to see so many of you getting certificates this week, keep it up!

Science Home Learning is to research your favourite wildlife presenter and create a poster e.g. David Attenborough, Steve Backshall, Michaela Strachan.

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 4 team.

Science Week

All this week we are taking part in the British Science week.

We have lots of fun activities and experiments planned!

To kick off the week on Monday we were lucky enough to work alongside EDF. We worked in teams to make wind and gas turbines from a range of materials including: paper, split pins, straws and pipe cleaners. Once the time was up all turbines were tested and feedback was given. We were so impressed with all of the turbines!

Today, we are making rubber balls and conducting a range of tests to see how effective the ball bounces on different surfaces. Updates to follow.

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 4 team.

Home Learning (03.03.17).

We are aware that some of you are having technical difficulties accessing the Mathletics website and Home Learning that has been set. We are currently working to correct these issues. Unfortunately, there will be no Mathletics Home Learning set until these issues are resolved.

Please continue to practise your times tables and spellings plus reading for Buster’s Book Club.

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 4 team.

Shrove Tuesday, pancake fun!

Shrove Tuesday yum, yum!

We discussed the reasons why Christians eat pancakes on Shrove (Shrive) Tuesday and thought about the behaviours that we would like to keep and those we would like to toss away during Lent!

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 4 Team.


As part of our ‘Shake It’ topic we have looked at milk from its origins to how it changes state to make products such as cheese, yoghurts etc. Today, the children were able to witness this changing state first hand by creating firstly whipped cream and then butter from milk.

Ask your children if they can demonstrate this procedure for you at home, it’s good fun!

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 4 team.

Year 4 update and Home Learning 24.02.17 (Due in 01.03.17).

Home learning for Maths this week has been set on Mathletics. Please spend at least 30 minutes working your way through the activities throughout the week. This week in class we have been focusing on perimeter and area.

Times Tables

Please continue to practise your time tables for the Times Table Challenge every Friday. It is vitally important that children have a sound knowledge of their times tables, in order to increase their processing speed in Maths. By the end of Year 4 the expectation is that children know all of their times tables up to 12 x 12. It would be greatly appreciated if you could support our efforts in class by helping and encouraging your children to learn these at home. If you would like a times tables sheet for the Times Tables Challenges, please talk to your child’s class teacher who will be happy to help you.

Buster’s Book Club

Please continue to read for Buster’s Book Club every night. Which class can read for the most amount of minutes, Chestnut or Birch? Ensure that you are recording and signing your child’s reading record on a Wednesday evening and they have their reading record in school daily.


Weekly spellings have been updated in your reading records (Birch) and Chestnuts will be sent home on a sheet. Please ensure that these are learnt and will be tested next Thursday.

Allergy notice

Next Tuesday 28th February is Shrove Tuesday. As part of the Year 4 RE curriculum we will be looking at the Christian Festival of Lent and exploring the reasons why Christians eat pancakes on this day. We will be decorating and eating pancakes of our own. If your child has any allergies to pancakes, Cadbury’s chocolate spread, golden syrup, lemon juice, sugar and bananas please let your class teacher and the office know. If there are no issues there is no need to inform us.

Thanks for your continued Support.

Year 4 team.