Off we go again… it’s term 4!

We hope everyone has had a wonderful half-term break and you’re ready for our term 4 learning together!

This term PE will be on Wednesday all afternoon rather than split across two different sessions.  Please ensure full PE kit is in school ready for our lessons each week.  For full details on PE uniform requirements, please click here to see our uniform page on the website.

We continue our history theme about the Ancient Egyptians this term and look forward to our Ancient Egyptians Day on Thursday 29th February – the children can dress up on that day too! We also have World Book Day to look forward to this term – get your costume ideas ready for then too – Thursday 7th March.

Take a look at our term overview below to  see what else we will be learning about this term.

Term Overview (PDF Download)

Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) (PDF Download)

The Year 4 Team

Mr Houghton and Miss Fellows
Miss Wayland, Miss Ellis and Miss Frampton


This term the children have been improving on their hockey skills from last year. They have practised dribbling, passing and shooting whilst keeping in control of the ball. We have been playing mini-matches at the end of each session and they have been very competitive!

French – Days and Months

This term, the children are learning about the days of the week and months of the year in our French lessons. Today, they were working in groups to match the English month names to the French month names.  They find it strange that in French the days and months do not start with a capital letter!

Music – Walk Like an Egyptian

In music, the children have been listening to the 80s classic “Walk Like an Egyptian” by The Bangles.  They have been learning the song and enjoying dancing to the music.

This week they have been using hieroglyphics to represent the music through notation rather than using traditional notes, staves and clefs.

KS2 Worship – Trick Questioners (Mark 12:13-17)

Year 4 children led KS2 worship today, talking about Trick Questioners. They referred to Mark’s Gospel and a story where Jesus was challenged by the religious leaders about whether people should pay taxes to Caesar.  They asked the children whether they had ever been asked a trick question and how it made them feel.

Dear God,

Thank you that we have a wonderful role model in Jesus.

Please help us to think carefully before we react to what other people say to us or do to us. Give us wisdom is these situations.

Bless us all today in our learning and as we play together.


Welcome back… it’s term 3!

As we all head back to school after our Christmas and New Year break, it’s a good time to remind you all that PE takes place on Mondays and Wednesdays each week.  Birch class will be continuing with their swimming throughout January, which will be on a Monday afternoon.  Our history theme this term is Ancient Egyptians, which will continue into term 4 when we will have an Ancient Egyptian day at school (the children can dress up on that day too!)

Term Overview
Here’s a copy of the term 3 overview and also our maths’ Key Instant Recall Facts (9x table) for the term.

Term 3 Overview – Ancient Egyptians (PDF Download)

Key Instant Recall Facts

KIRFs Term 3 – 9x table (PDF Download)

The Year 4 Team

Miss Fellows and Mr Houghton
Miss Wayland, Miss Ellis and Miss Frampton

Light Up New Romney

During November, year 4 were involved in a secret project to create a wonderful set of lanterns for the Light Up New Romney lantern parade on 8th December.  Caroline and her team brought so much joy to our afternoons. The children had so much fun creating the lantern frames, adding the lights, wrapping the frame in paper, creating snowflakes and adding decoration to the Ice Palace turrets. Most of them enjoyed getting really sticky with the glue too (although some didn’t!).

Lots of children joined with the New Romney community for the lantern parade and the children also sang two songs in church – My Lighthouse and Rocking Around the Christmas Tree. A great time was had by all