Week 4 – RE

Explore the following statement:

It is better to worship in a Cathedral or Church because it is ‘the House of God’.

Do you agree or disagree? Explain your thinking.

You may want to think about how we worship at school or the current lockdown that we are all experiencing. Think about all the features of a church that you looked at last week.

Reading – week 3

Daily Reading Plus activities

Daily reading of Reading Book
You may read some of your own books. Please record this in your Reading Records.

See resource for ideas when reading.

English and SPaG – week 3



Synonyms. Explore words with similar meanings. Each document contains 3 levels. Most children should be able to complete D and E – GD is optional. Unfamiliar words should be looked up in a dictionary (this can be online).



The following activities can be carried out in any order (1 per day). Each task requires some planning and a short writing activity.

Sweets – poetry
Clouds – poetry
Parrots – poetry
Monkeys – short writing task. Write a ‘Breaking News’ report.
Clocks – short writing task. Write about ‘The Lost Hour’ when the clocks go forward at the end of March.

Many thanks to Jamie Thomas for sharing his ideas for teaching English this week.



Maths – week 3

Visit the following website:

Select ‘Week 1’.
Here you will find a selection of video clips about ratio. Please work through one video and the relevant activity each day – these need to be completed in the correct order. The activities and answers are provided on the same webpage.

Here is an overview of the week:
Lesson 1 – Using ratio language
Lesson 2 – Ratio and fractions
Lesson 3 – Introducing the ratio symbol
Lesson 4 – Calculating ratio
Lesson 5 – Using scale factors

Once you have completed the activity, you should then carry out some of the revision activities below. Remember, you should be spending an hour each day on maths.


Option 1
Each document includes a brief explanation regarding how to carry out the activity. There is then a selection of questions for you work through (you can choose the levels). Each document includes answers. These activities include both arithmetic and problem-solving skills.

Day 1 – multiplying and dividing decimals
Day 2 – finding fractions of amounts
Day 3 – multiplying and dividing fractions
Day 4 – short multiplication
Day 5 – short division in problems

Option 2
This revision document covers the majority of the curriculum and provides short bursts of activities. It provides examples and answers.

You could do a couple of these each day – you are not expected to complete the whole document.


Don’t forget these websites:

Times Table Rock Stars – 10 mins
Battles will be set on a regular basis.

Prodigy Maths (just for fun)




Science – week 3


Online followed by offline:


Make notes about each section – you could add these to your poster from week 1 or create a new one.

https://www.coolkidfacts.com/electricity-facts/ may also be useful.