PE – week 3


The Body Coach
Short routines such as the link below could be carried out daily.

Super Movers
This website has a variety of simple routines and allows you to revise key areas.

Set yourself a challenge e.g. how many speed bounces can you do in 1 min or how many skips can you do in 2 mins, etc?

Can you improve your personal best throughout the week?

DT – week 3


Imagine that you are an inventor.
What would you invent and why?
Draw and label your idea, explaining how it works. (Feel free to use your imagination)

You may want to watch Wallace and Gromit for some inspiration!

Music – week 3

Offline or online:

You can continue with your project if you need to.


Listen to the song ‘Yesterday’. How is this different from the other songs that you have already listened to by the Beatles?

French – week 3


Revise the vocabulary from recent weeks.


Create a game using the vocabulary that we have been learning about recently.

You can be as creative as you like – it could be as simple as playing ‘Noughts and Crosses’ like we do in class.

RE – week 3

Research famous Christian religious buildings e.g. Canterbury Cathedral. Can you talk about the key features?
What makes them special?

Write about your experience of Christian religious buildings. This could be your local church or our school church. You might want to write about our visit to Canterbury Cathedral earlier in the academic year.
Can you talk about the key features?
What makes them special?

The document may help – it also has an optional activity.

Term 5

Welcome to Term 5!

Term 5 sees the continuation of lockdown.  Remote learning activities will continue to be posted on here and the Class Dojo pages.

Mrs Lee and Mrs Firth