Dover Castle

Year 6 had a great time exploring Dover Castle and the War Time tunnels.  What a great way to link our Term 1 and 2 topics.

‘I saw the White Cliffs of Dover for the first time.’

‘I liked the view from the top of the tower.’

‘The tour guides were really helpful.  I didn’t know that there are 70 different ways of playing Chess.’

‘It was interesting listening to the water being poured into the well.  It was a long way down, but if you listened carefully, you could hear the splash!’

‘The War Time Tunnels were really fun.  I liked using the old fashioned phones and typewriters.’

Kingswood 2018


Here is a small selection of photos from our Kingswood residential.  All children will receive a CD with the photos at the end of this academic year.

‘I faced my fears!’

‘I enjoyed all of the activities and overcame my fear of heights.’

‘I was able to try new things like going on the zip wire for the first time.’

‘We worked as a team a lot more.  Many of the activities required us to work together e.g. crate stacking.  If we didn’t work as a team, the activity wasn’t a success.’

Battle of the Bands – Oak v Elm

This week saw our first Battle of the Bands between the two year 6 classes.  It was only a short battle of 15 minutes, but many points were scored.  Oak class were triumphant on this occasion, but it was very close indeed!

Well done to Aidan and Louisa, who were the top scorers for each band!