Elm class had great fun learning the steps to the ‘Lambeth Walk’.
Year 6 Archive
Star of the Week
Star of the Week was awarded to Stevie for his excellent and eloquent answers and the word definitions he provides, which really help the other children.
Value Award: Perseverance
Mrs Lee awarded the certificate to the whole of Elm class for their efforts during remote learning. The key worker children also demonstrated high levels of perseverance.
St. Barnabas Award:
Encourager this week is awarded to Henley. Henley regularly joins in with discussions and provides great answers, which really help the other children’s with their learning.
Chloe is the ‘Reader of the Week’ for working hard on her Reading Plus.
Oak won the TTRS for being the most improved class.
Star of the Week
Well done to Sonny for working hard at his reading and writing this week.
Value Award: Perseverance
Louie received the value award for persevering with his learning and taking on board the help received.
St. Barnabas Award:
Mia was awarded our Barnabas award for encouraging others to keep calm.
Ethan was awarded ‘Reader of the Week’ for persevering with his book and reading a lot at home!
Elm had the highest percentage on Reading Plus this week.
Star of the Week
Our Star of the Week was Brylie for always getting on and trying her best.
Value Award: Perseverance
Alfie always demonstrates high levels of perseverance and was awarded the first certificate for the new value.
St. Barnabas Award:
Georgie was awarded our encourager because she sets a great example with her learning behaviours to all the other children.
Neil is our Star Reader for really engaging with the Christmas reading challenge.
Elm also won the TTRS trophy.
Year 6 were awarded Nicholas Bear for their Epiphany church service.
A great start to the term!
Beyond the Lines – English
Epiphany – 6th January 2022
Welcome to Term 3
Happy New Year and welcome to Term 3! We hope that you have had a lovely Christmas and are ready for a busy term ahead.
Please find attached the overview for the term and the KIRFs that the children will be learning.
As always, if you have any questions, please speak to a member of the year 6 team.
The children made Christingles in preparation for the Christingle service at the end of term.
We learned that the orange represents the world; the red ribbon represents Jesus’ blood; the cocktail sticks represent the 4 seasons and points on the compass; the sweets and raisins represent the fruits of the spirit, and the candle represents Jesus as the light of the world.