Church School Status
As a Church of England Primary School we value our association with St Nicholas Church. The school celebrates Harvest, Christmas and Easter at the church and a service is held to say farewell to the Year 6 children at the end of the summer term. The children take part in collective worship every day which is Christian in nature following the Anglican tradition. Moral messages from other major world religions may also be included.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from Religious Education and the daily collective worship. Any parent wishing to do so is asked to discuss the matter with the Headteacher beforehand.
Community School
The school has been appointed a community school for the Romney Marsh area. The Headteacher, Governors and staff firmly believe that St Nicholas Primary School should be a centre for community life in New Romney and the surrounding area. To this end the Headteacher and the governing body have embarked upon many initiatives to open the school to the wider community.
St Nicholas Primary School welcomes local groups to use its accommodation and facilities. These include two halls, catering kitchen and school field. Many local groups including Brownies, Slimming World and Weight Watchers, use the school’s facilities on a weekly basis.
New Romney Children’s Centre is located adjacent to the school site offering a wide range of resources to the local community including toddler groups, adult education and signposting to a wide variety of support groups. Please contact the Children’s Centre on 01797 369270.
St Nicholas’ is also fortunate to have a nursery provider on site offering an exciting range of activities for pre-school age children. For more information please contact Lisa Evans at Abacus Nursery and Childcare 01797 369287.
Timings of the School Day
At St Nicholas we believe that both staff and pupils should be entitled to make the best use of the time available within the school day. For this reason we have designed our timetable to offer practical blocks of time for learning, with regular opportunities for reflection during daily Acts of Worship. By welcoming children into the classrooms from 8.35am, we believe this allows for a settled and calm start to the school day at 8.45am.
Although individual class timetables will vary; in Key Stage 2 the morning sessions are generally allocated to the teaching of the core subjects of English and mathematics, with topic based and creative subjects taking place predominantly in the afternoons.