
At St Nicholas, we work very hard to provide a positive experience for our children at lunchtime. In order to ensure that lunchtime is a relaxed and calm experience for our children, lunchtimes in the school hall are divided between KS1 children who eat first at 12.00pm, followed by KS2 children who join the school hall at 12.30pm. Our lunchtime supervisors encourage the children to eat and drink healthily and to try new things. They are also there to help and support the youngest members of our school for whom eating in a school hall will be a new experience.

Outside we have a range of toys and large equipment to facilitate exercise, social interaction and fun. We have two outdoor activity areas and are very lucky to have a very large playing field on which the children are encouraged to play during the dry months. We have recently invested in new playground markings to encourage activity, with games such as netball, hockey, football and hopscotch. Our lunchtime supervisors join the children during playtime outside and are always on hand to support and play with the children.

St Nicholas has a team of playground buddies who play an important role in creating a safe, friendly, and happy atmosphere for children during break and lunchtimes.

Who are they?

Year 5 children take on the role of Playground Buddies. They can be identified through the red tabards they wear and consider their main roles to be;

  1. helping children resolve minor conflicts.
  2. supporting children to play a wider range of games.
  3. available as a friend to all the other children.