Remote learning for extended school closures or self-isolation
It is important that children have the opportunity to continue their learning when they are unable to be in school. As such, we have provided guidelines and resources to support children to engage meaningfully in their education whilst at home.
Our home learning resources are intended to support parents with their children’s learning at home but are not compulsory. We understand that parents are best placed to consider whether and how children use them. We hope you find them useful.
We advise that children do not spend longer than an hour for EYFS and KS1 and an hour and a half online. Therefore, a balance of activities is provided.
If your child does not have access to technology at home, please contact the school and we will be able to provide a paper pack.
The resources are updated weekly on Class Dojo and the ‘class pages’ and cover:
- Practice of key fluency skills on a daily basis such as: spellings (high frequency words), reading, times-tables and phonics for younger children.
- English, maths and humanities learning across the week.
- You tube videos to Read Write Inc Phonics (the school phonics scheme) and PE with Joe Wicks who is on every day at 9.00am
Parents and children can access their home learning through the online sites such as ClassDojo.
Children in KS1 and 2 will be sent learning via ‘ClassDojo’. The children all have a login and their Home Learning Journals. A video demonstrating how to use Class Dojo can be seen below along with other websites parent will be encouraged to use.
Finally, a reminder for all our parents & carers - you don't need to replicate the school day, little bursts of school work are enough. Find new ways of learning together & have fun whilst you do. We are here for advice if you need us – contact us via Dojo