School Council

Why do we have a school council?

The School’s Council is an ideal opportunity for pupils to get more involved in the way the school is run; it is after all their school. We respect and value the thoughts and opinions of our children and whilst it may not always be possible or practical to do everything they suggest, the children do have some fantastic ideas and are able to accept why some ideas may not work well for the school community.

The School Council benefits the whole school, pupils and teachers, because it provides opportunities for pupils to communicate their feelings as well as influence decisions that are made within school.

Councillors develop skills such as confidence, communication and negotiation. It is the responsibility of each Councillor to ensure that they express both their own views and the views of all the other pupils they represent.

Who would make a good school councillor?

Any child in the school can stand to be a school council rep for their class. It is not a decision made by teachers, nor do they have to be the cleverest person in the class. A good school councillor does need to have some of the following qualities though:

  • A good listener and speaker
  • A team player
  • Interested to learn more about our school
  • Keen to make a contribution to improving our school
  • Able to represent the views of others in your year group
  • Able and willing to speak to your class about the Council?
  • Willing to give up some of your own time to this post
  • Has lots of good ideas
  • Sets a good example to others

Who can be a member of the school council?


We have a School Council with boys and girls representing their fellow pupils from each class in Years 2 to Year 6.

Each councillor is elected by their classmates at the beginning of the school year after a short presentation explaining why they should be elected. This develops children’s understanding of one of British values: democracy. They also understand that with democracy comes responsibility.

What Do We Do?

Members of the Council take part in discussions and votes and also feedback any relevant information to their class. At times they are requested to ask their class for ideas or take class votes relating to discussions by the Council.

Members meet regularly with Mrs Turner to discuss ways in which they feel they can influence the school for the better. This may be ideas to improve playtimes, after school clubs, lessons or what charities they want to support through fund-raising activities.

Community Links

As well as holding the occasional fund-raising event during the year, the School Council have also been tasked to think of ways that the school can strengthen its links to the local community.

School Council Fundraising

School council have been busy organising fundraising activities this term. The fun started in March with Comic Relief. School council arranged a crazy hair day and come to school in red themed day. Several members of the school council came into school early and collected donations as the children and parents walked through the gates in the morning. They raised a tremendous £440.

After discussing fundraising activities and charities with their classes, the members of the school council agreed that they would raise money for the Salvation Army and Oxfam. Each class collected 10p’s for a coin race on the last day of term – Oak class collected the most. Well done. At the same time, we organised an enormous Easter egg raffle with all prizes donated by members of staff. Amidst much excitement, there was a raffle draw on the last day of term with over 50 prizes! With these efforts an impressive £550 was raised.

Some of the lucky winners!
The start of the exciting 10p race. Some of the lines got very long and a little bit wobbly.

School Council Minutes