SEN – Specialist Resource Provision
St Nicholas CE Primary Academy is a combination of a mainstream primary and a Specialist Resource Provision (SRP) for pupils with an EHCP who have identified with Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC), also known as, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Please note that children can only attend St Nicholas if they are placed here, through the SEND department of KCC. The school benefits from resources to support the learning and sensory needs of all our pupils. The children access:
- Close working links with NHS therapists: Speech and Language and as appropriate OT.
- Access to mainstream classes: full time, part time, subject specific or fully inclusive activities such as worship, playtimes in a fully personalised way.
- Sensory Integration expertise from a qualified teacher
- Outside and indoor sensory play areas
- Lunch time teacher to support the play and social opportunities at the unstructured times of lunchtime play.
The SRP has been commissioned by Kent as the Local Authority and is responsible for deciding which children could be appropriately placed in our SRP, in consultation with us.
The school informs the LA of available places depending on class size, age group and current level of need. The child’s needs are then discussed at an SRP panel with representatives from the LA and SEN specialists. If the panel believes a child could be suitably placed at our school, we will then receive consultation paperwork to review and decide whether the school can meet the pupil’s needs. A response must be sent from the school back to the LA within 15 days.
Parents are invited to come to look around the school and meet the staff when looking at placement options for their children. Once placement has been agreed, a transition meeting will be arranged where parents will receive the welcome pack, a visual welcome pack for the pupil and a transition timetable will be arranged. The transition timetable is based on the individual pupil’s prior experience of school and their level of need.
SRP Places
We have 14 spaces commissioned for this academic year by the Local Authority for our SRP.
Our SRP staff includes;
- SRP Lead Teacher
- SRP Teacher
- Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA) and
- 2 Teaching Assistants (TAs) who all have knowledge and expertise in working with children with a range of SEN needs including Autism.
The SRP team are supported by the academy’s Head of Inclusion and Headteacher.
Pupils within the SRP need to show the potential to integrate into their mainstream classrooms. Levels of integration are dependent on the individual pupils, the subjects of interest to them and their prior school experience. We aim for all pupils to be included in all aspects of school life as well as in the classroom. This is including assemblies, extra-curricular clubs, offsite trips, special events and whole school activities and rewards. The class teachers maintain a regular dialogue with the SRP team and therefore pupil’s education is holistically developed by all members of staff. We aim to do this by placing children into the right ‘Pathway of Education’ for them.
Annual Reviews
Annual reviews are held for all pupils with an EHCP where progress towards outcomes, strengths and difficulties, levels of provision and interventions are discussed. Pupils with an EHCP also have provision plan meetings three times a year to measure the progress towards their SEN outcomes outlined in their EHCPs. The meeting will also provide an opportunity to discuss provision and progress towards the agreed smaller targets based on their end of Key Stage Outcomes.
KCC Annual Review Information and Documents
Useful Links
Here are a range of links to ASD supporting charities and organisations. If you are aware of other supporting websites or organisations that may provide information or support to our school community then please let us know.
- The Kent Autistic Trust
- Autism Education Trust
- National Autistic Trust
- Autism Alliance
- Autism Speaks
- The Children’s Sleep Charity
- Space 2 Be Me
If you would like your child to be considered for a place in our specialist provision, we recommend that you speak to your child’s SEN (Special Educational Need) Assessment and Placement Officer within the KCC SEND department. We recognise the importance of parents being able to make informed decisions about their child’s education and therefore we invite parents to visit our school to see what we can offer.
If you would like more information about our SRP or the interventions we provide then please contact the school office on 01797 361906 to speak to our SRP Lead Teacher, Head of Inclusion or Headteacher, or email