Fraser is awarded ‘Star of the Week’ for making a fantastic start to Year 6 and going above and beyond in many subjects. Well done!
Value Award: Ambition
Cadence has been recognised for demonstrating the value of ambition with her art.
Alex received the ambition award this week for choosing challenging books.
St. Barnabas Award:
Leo and Joseph were awarded St. Barnabas stickers for encouraging others.
Elise was presented with a ‘Bee Encouraging’ sticker for encouraging her friends with their work and on the playground.
Archie is the Oak ‘Reader of the Week’ for reading 5 times this week and trying really hard with his reading.
Oak managed to win the ‘KS2 Reading Award’ with 77% of the class reading 4 or more times since last Friday.
Year 6 also won Nicholas Bear for being good role models when walking year 1 to church last week.
Well done everyone!