Over Easter we would love you to support your children with their phonics and practise it everyday like we do in school.
Here are some websites that you might find useful, the children have to segment (sound out words) and then blend (say it altogether). There are real words and ‘alien’ words which are designed to see if the children can recognise the digraphs (like ai in rain). In school we encourage the children to put ‘sound buttons’ under the word so they take their time to segment and blend it.
Here you can see that the single sounds have a dot under them, and the digraphs ch, sh, ll have a line, this encourages the children to blend the words together.
Every day we are practising the phase 5 sounds with all children for 15 mins after lunch, this is in addition to their personalised phonics learning groups which range from phase 3-5
There is an older post on phonics if you scroll further down our Year One page which gives you detailed information about what phonics is and how we teach it.
Practise is the best way to support your child, they are working really hard on this in school and making excellent progress. We would love you to celebrate in their success and let them show you how fabulous your children are!
Here is a power point where you can give a few words each day to segment and blend. Phonics screening
This is a good website if you aren’t sure how you can support your child: https://blog.oxfordowl.co.uk/how-can-i-support-my-child-with-phonics-learning/
And this helps if you don’t know how we teach the sound in school! https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/reading-owl/expert-help/the-year-1-phonics-screening-check/home/reading-site/expert-help/phonics-made-easy
Here are some games:
We use phonics play in school so the children are used to the games, try and encourage them to use phase 5 sounds.