Our First School Trip

Mrs Reynolds and Miss Common have been to visit the site of our first school trip for the 2017-2018 School Year, we have been busy creating exciting learning experiences for our new Year One children and we are really looking forward to welcoming you all on Wednesday 6th September.

Our first IPC (international primary curriculum topic) will be Flowers and Insects. On Friday will be designing our own miniature gardens, so feel free to start collecting little objects that you could use for your own mini garden!

We are always looking to develop our outdoor area, so if you have any off-cuts of piping or clips to help with our new water wall, or any old baking tins or pans for our mud kitchen we would really appreciate any donations 🙂

Have a look through these lovely photos to see what flowers and insects you can spot!

We hope you have a lovely last few days of the school holiday.

Miss Reynolds and Miss Common

Term 5 IPC Topic

This term we are going to be getting our fingers dirty!


We have prepared our outdoor area ready to welcome new life this Spring. We are excited to welcome our new topic.

Our science curriculum looks like this for Year 1/2:

Sc1/1    Working Scientifically

Sc1/1.1    asking simple questions and recognising that they can be answered in different ways

Sc1/1.2    observing closely, using simple equipment
Sc1/1.3    performing simple tests
Sc1/1.4    identifying and classifying
Sc1/1.5    using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions
Sc1/1.6    gathering and recording data to help in answering questions.

Sc1/2.1    Plants

Sc1/2.1a Identify and name a variety of common and wild garden plants including deciduous and evergreen trees
Sc1/2.1b    identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees
Read the IPC letter : letter to parents IPC