Welcome back!
We have had a busy start to the new term, may we take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year and all the best for 2018.
Our school value this term is
We have a short, yet fun packed term ahead of us, the children have already demonstrated perseverance by learning their T4W text for this term.
They have learnt (with actions) the text for facts about the T Rex, this forms part of our literacy and our IPC topic. The text is here if you want to support your child. They will be able to tell you the first two paragraphs.
The children went to tell Abacus Nursery children all about the T Rex this term…. photos coming soon!
We have changed our home-learning format, you should have all received a home learning grid on Friday and resources to help you, please choose one activity each week, if you need help just let the class teacher know. Here is a copy of the grid.