Week 9 / Term 6 wk 2

Year 6 – Week 9 (Term 6 wk 2)

Please find below links to each subject and the activities we would like the children to complete.

We will be working one week behind the suggested activities, so we are following week 6 (w/b 1st June).

English https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-6/english#subjects You will need to scroll down to ‘Genre Focus: Letter of complaint’, alternatively you can select this from the ‘Topic’ icon at the top.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Letter of complaint: reading focus Letter of complaint: reading focus Letter of complaint: identifying features Letter of complaint: clause structures Letter of complaint: write your own


Maths https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-6/maths#subjectsYou will need to scroll down to ‘Fractions’, alternatively you can select this from the ‘Topic’ icon at the top.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Fractions: to represent multiplication with proper fractions Fractions: to multiply pairs of proper fractions Fractions: to divide a proper fraction by an integer Fractions: to multiply and divide with improper fractions Fractions: to solve fraction problems with the four operations


Foundation subjects: https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-6#subjects

Here is a suggested timetable – the activities can be completed on any day. PE can be completed as often as you wish. Spanish lessons are optional! You may find it easier to access the foundation subjects from the following link: https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-6#schedule remember that are working from week 6.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

How did the second World War end?

https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-06/pshe-year-06#subjects Science

What impact are humans likely to have on life in the future?


Why did the USA and the USSR enter a cold war?


Exploring emotions in music.


Check out the ‘Activity Clubs’.

Don’t forget to access the following websites …








