Welcome to Year Two

Welcome to Hare and Fox Classes 2024!

What an exciting year we have ahead of us. We hope you’ve all had a fantastic summer and are so pleased to see you happy and thriving in our classrooms this first week of the school year.

Below we have our Curriculum Map to give you an overview of the learning that will be covered this term. Our topic is the Great Fire of London and many of our subjects have aspects that link closely to this. We look forward to building houses to represent London in 1666 as well as turning our hand to baking whilst considering what it would’ve been like in the famous bakery on Pudding Lane.

Following our teacher visit to the Power of Reading home in London before the summer we have chosen a fantastic story on which to base our English work, closely linked to the summer of sporting events through the Olympics we hope it will inspire our young learners.

If you fancied a London family adventure the London Museum are running a Family Great Fire of London Walk this September!


In Maths we will be looking at place value, addition and subtraction. We will be introducing the children to different manipulatives to support their understanding as well as looking at ways to represent numbers pictorially. The children will be sent home some work to support their learning of this terms KIRFs, any questions please ask.

KIRFS year 2